Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hey, Big Spender

This week, I spent about $5,000 in photo equipment, and it's been weighing on me. I'm comfortable with my decision to buy a new camera, lens, flash, lens filter, battery, bag, and memory cards; it's just that, damn, that's a lot of money to spend all at once! What has been your big purchase, and how does shelling out that kind of cash make you feel?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Undercover Nerd

I love nerds. All kinds. Even this guy ^. I love them all because I am one. What things in your life emphasize your inner "Screech"?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

What's my motivation?

Usually, I spend my evening commute catching up on my singing. I flip through the radio stations looking for something danceable (one can do a surprising amount of hip shaking while driving) and/or something that begs for vocal accompaniment. But yesterday, things took an unexpected turn. I polish off a stellar performance of Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance," followed by a version of CCR's "Fortunate Son," and then, BOOM, jackpot! Nirvana. I'm getting pumped up as the song opens and clear my throat for what's to come. (Hold the "that's what she said" jokes). And then the words:

"Rape me. Rape me, my friend. Rape me. Rape me again."

First, let me say I love this song, love this song, love this song. I've loved it since before I had my first kiss, since before I had braces, since before I shaved my legs (and, fyi, those things happened in backwards order.) But had I never actually sang it out loud? I doubt it but, for some reason, it was really fucking weird singing "rape me" yesterday. I powered through the discomfort and did Nirvana proud, but the whole time I think I had a super awkward look on my face. The driver stopped at the light next to me must have thought I farted or something.

Anyways, are there any song lyrics, lines from a movie, etc. that you would be uncomfortable saying, even under the pretenses of "acting"?

Thursday, June 3, 2010

I need a drink...recipe

So, yeah, me and Dirty thunderstorms are super tight that I'm creating a drink named after it...if you were my bartender, what would be in a Dirty Thunderstorm?

Are you all dead?

Is the bloggy part of my computer broken or have I been blacklisted? Are you all dead or just saving it all up for my Friday post?
Where is you all?

Friday, May 28, 2010

Live Fast, Die Hard

It's a sad day for America. Heidi and Spencer are getting divorced, Brett Michaels may be replacing Simon on American Idol, and Gary Coleman died. This last death comes on the back of a wave of celebrity losses: Ronnie James Dio, Britney Murphy, Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson, John Travolta's dogs, the guy from the OxyClean infomercials.

If you were in the spotlight, having your life recorded by paparazzi at every step, how would you want to go? A quiet exit or out with a bang, what death would be a fitting end to your days of glamor and excess? What would you want written on your tombstone?

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Happy National Free Cosmetic Surgery Day!

I'm fairly certain that on the Swedish or Mayan or Burger King calendar, today is Free-cut-you-open-and-suck-it-out-or-fill-it-in have your choice of one procedure...anything on the menu, be it lipo, lift, transplant, hymenoplasty or

Brazilian Butt Lift Autologous Fat Transfer.

Are you vain enough to sign up? If so, which procedure would be make it worthwhile?

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Sorry, I know you all were waiting patiently and anxiously for my post but I'm going to have to be a Debbie and skip it this week :( Wah-wah. My brain literally has one-half cell working and I'd rather not embarrass it when the others come back around. Tune in next week!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

To power-point or not to power-point

In 7 days, I will be giving an hour-and-a-half lecture to a class of 60 students, and I'm turning to the glorious internet for ideas. Dear friends, if you had a captive audience who not only had to listen, but take notes, and were being graded on how deeply they thought about your words, what would you say? What is your field of expertise? What is something you've been dying to convince the general population of, and how would you drive your points home? (And, most importantly, what should I wear?)

Monday, May 24, 2010


God or the President or Ed McMahon call and say you win FIVE MILLION DOLLARS, but there is one stipulation: You have to get a tattoo on your neck and it has to be at least as big as a dollar bill. You can chose whatever beautiful design you want though. If the task is worth five million clams to you, please describe your new neck art.

Friday, May 21, 2010

You down with OCD...yeah you know me!

We all do it in some sick way or another...what is your OCD habit? What can you not do or not not do or have to do or have to not do...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Stinking Love!

At what point in the relationship do you start farting in front of him/her? Is this the ultimate sign of intimacy, or is it just plain gross?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Easy Bake Oven my A$$

For years I was in love with the idea of Santa A. Claus. He made my stomach flip with anticipation for December 25th. I felt he was flying clear across the world just for me. Until that fateful day in 1992 when he shattered my heart.

What is the gift/gifts that S.A.C failed to deliver after months of anticipation?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hard Times

The economy is in the crapper, unemployment is through the roof, and recycling is on the rise. (Don't believe me? Go see how many of those Diet Dr. Pepper cans you threw out last week are still in your dumpster.) But for those of us old enough to remember, the 80's sucked, too, and "layaway" wasn't just a fancy term for vacation. Even in the fat years, we've all had to dig around in other people's couches for loose change. (No? A thief and a liar!)

Whether your strategy is to pawn, panhandle, or pilfer, tell us: what are your "desperate measures" when it comes to scrapping up some dough? What day-to-day heists keep you afloat? What is the worst thing you've ever done for money?

Monday, May 17, 2010

Donation Station

If you were a "good canditate" (bad-habit free and chock full of stellar genes) and if it were super easy, safe and profitable....Would you donate your eggy-weggys or a few sperm to help a family or a few families make children? If so, what is the "max" amount of unclaimed children you would be comfortable siring? Lastly, would you check the box on the form that says "Yes, let them kids track me down when they're 18!"?

Friday, May 14, 2010

Brain break

It's Friday.
There are a proven shortage of brain cells on Fridays, so let's make this easy:
Name one song that should have never been created. What is that one song that makes you want to take the "artist" out back and spray yak urine up their nose til they cry Uncle...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Don't Hate the Player...

What is your favorite game to play? (Board, sports, video, mind, etc.) If you lose, do you take it hard or just shrug it off?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Break out the scanners.....

We all have them-- Bad school photos. Post yours below and a description of what the beep you or your mother/father was thinking.... Thisisgonnabeawesome. (p.s. this is not me believe it or not. Just some poor girl I found on google images)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Count backwards from 10

What the hell happened? You open your eyes and find yourself staring at the harsh, florescent lights above. You're still groggy but manage to lift yourself off of the table, pull the tube out of your arm, and take in the room. Chrome canisters, medical supplies atop white counters. It's sterile, eerily sterile, and the quiet gives no indication of what the walls have seen.

In honor of my cats having surgery, tell us: What led you to the operating room? What procedure did you have done? And were there any "complications"?

Monday, May 10, 2010

Party time USA!

I am the queen of ridiculous costume parties. I crowned myself the queen because, well lets face it...Ive done it all, theme-wise.... OR have I?

Please share your idea of the best costume party EVER. Tell us about that dream party..the one that you fantasize about regularly. I want to hear about costume choices, decorations, theme food ideas, the cocktails, and any hired help or entertainment you would bring in..the works! Dream up that big fantasy party in the sky and pretend there is no limits on spending or facility options.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Dream Lover

Taking a page from VH1's "Tough Love: Couples," if you could have your mate dress up as your fantasy, how would he or she look? Describe (clothing, hair, makeup, jewelry). And own up to it, sickos.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Reminiscent of me forgetting that it is my Wednesly- day duty to enlighten the lovelies who read my ponderables:

What has been the worst thing you have forgotten, blanked out on or said to someone that is deserving of the above punishment?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

You little devil!

What is something "mean" or "bad" that you secretly enjoy doing.
Example: farting in an elevator before you get out. ( I've NEVER done that! Just an example, jeez!!)

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Knee Bone connects to the Leg Bone...

Well, you know, in ancient times, there was a huge earthquake which set free this big gust of energy, which let out a crap load of radiation, which affects the blood flow at certain times in the lunar cycle, and that's why women get their periods.

Shit can get confusing. We understand, but maybe we can clear up some of time's greatest mysteries. What's one thing that you really don't understand but probably should? How do you bullshit your way through conversations when the topic arises? And why, for the love of God, haven't you Wikipediaed for answers?

Friday, April 30, 2010

Why yes, I am a bonvivant

Lake Flies. It's what's for breakfast (if you're not careful). While packed with protein and black goo, Lake Flies are not a particularly tasty fare. However, if you are a closet bulimic (and who isn't?!), you will appreciate the instant need to re-experience the last 3 things you scarfed down. Yummers.

What is the grodiest thing you ever (accidentally, purposefully, or accidentally-on-purpose) ate?

Thursday, April 29, 2010

quick note to moderators

Shannon, Erin & Renny. I sent you an email asking if you want to be a moderator. Obviously you are already doing this (RAD first questions Renny & Erin! I cant wait to answer later today!!!) but now it will say your name when you post a question (rather than my name...although I do love to take all the credit..) Lyd, I already have you listed as a moderator since like 1814 when we first started this piece....

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hello Gorgeous!

What are your grooming rituals that make you feel pretty? Maybe it's something you do only once in a while, or maybe you have to do it every day to feel yourself. Do you feel more attractive throughout the day of said treatment, or do you forget about it quickly? Do you really think other people notice, or is it just for you? (Men, it's ok to answer - we girls know you like to feel pretty too.)

Edison Schmedison

What top 3 inventions would you murder a duck in a Jack in the Box parking lot for? (if you don't know the duck story yet please inquire within). Seriously though folks.... What 3 inventions could you make up that would better your life the most?

Testing the add a pic feature

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

nice ride.

What TV or Movie automobile do you want to have as your own to drive to work and what not.
Add image or link if possible.

Monday, April 26, 2010

The name game.

Tell us all and everything about your first name.
****What does your name mean?*****
Bonus: Who gave it to you?
Double Bonus: Do you like your name?
Triple Bonus: If you had to change it, what would your new name be?
Home Run Bonus: Are there any interesting images, famous people or additional info associated with your name,- i.e. a picture of the person you were named after?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

let us reminisce.

"Sehnsucht is a German noun translated as "longing", "yearning" and "craving", or in a wider sense a type of "intensely missing". However, Sehnsucht is almost impossible to translate adequately and describes a deep emotional state." -Wikipedia Yo.

I brought this damn blog back from the dead AGAIN...because I was really missing it...AGAIN.

From time to time I smile wistfully as the sun shines on my face, the wind blows in my hair....and I think..."What ever happened to that ol' scamp of a blog?"

That being said, what thing(s) do you miss?