Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hello Gorgeous!

What are your grooming rituals that make you feel pretty? Maybe it's something you do only once in a while, or maybe you have to do it every day to feel yourself. Do you feel more attractive throughout the day of said treatment, or do you forget about it quickly? Do you really think other people notice, or is it just for you? (Men, it's ok to answer - we girls know you like to feel pretty too.)


Renny said...

This post was by Renny, and in my time zone, it's actually Thursday. : )

lydia said...

Thanks for clarifying, Renny. Now tell us about your pubes.

Renny said...
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Melissa said...

I wear perfume and earrings everyday and I never leave the house with chipped toenail polish. I never wear deodorant which isnt a problem because I am not sure I have ever physically broken a sweat in my life. I brush my teeth and blow dry my hair and never ever have enough time to make breakfast. Lyd... Did you want to hear about pubes too? Did your pubes fall out renee? I'm not sure what is going on.

Shannie-Annie said...

Ok, well, Melissa you make me sound like the deli worker at Wal-Mart...for crap's sake, perfume and blow drying every freakin' day?
Plus no deodorant cuz you never sweat?? For real?
Jeez. I wish I had something to write here besides the fact that I have lots of yoga pants and I get super excited when I score comfy socks that match my yoga pants.
I'm just not a pretty maker yet...but crap I'd better hurry and be one cuz my looks are dwindling as we speak...where the hell are my socks?!?
ps-I'm said to say I can still verbally describe all your pube stories...

Shannie-Annie said...

damnit, not "said"..."sad"!

Renny said...
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Sarah the Hairy said...

Well my user name should explain it all... what Melissa lacks for in hair in scent I make up for double time. I should carry a razor in my purse because 5 minutes after shaving my armpits Macy Gray is down there singing about how stinky I am.
Thank you old country!

lydia said...

Jeez, people! Don't you know that "pubes" is an acronymn?

Possibly Unnecessary Beauty Exercises.

And rather go into my daily rituals, I;d like to take this time to shout from the rooftops my two newest additions.

1. Self-tanner

I got in on the ground floor of this innovation (orange hands in middle school and the related nicknames forced me to take a few years off). But things have gotten significantly better in the self-tanning world. Plus, a little bronze goes a long way in hiding spider veins.

2. Dry shampoo

If you haven't tried this yet, you're missing out. Its an aerosol spray powder that you blow onto your roots and it takes away all of the greasy-ness. I can just say that my hygiene standards have TANKED thanks to this wonder but you'd never know it to look at me. Just be sure to pair this with a strong perfume to off-set the decrease in bathing.

Renny said...

Lyd, I'm going to need name brands for both of these miracle products. I think we should have a contest for the longest we can go without "traditionally" washing our hair.