Tuesday, April 27, 2010

nice ride.

What TV or Movie automobile do you want to have as your own to drive to work and what not.
Add image or link if possible.


Melissa said...

The Dog Car from Dumb and Dumber. Of course! c'mon people, have you met me!? http://images.rottentomatoes.com/images/features/cars/34.jpg

lydia said...

I see your dog car and I raise you the flying dog thing from Neverending Story!

Honorable mentions: the flying skateboard from Back to the Future, and Swift, the friendly fox always ready to make a getaway, from the cartoon David the Gnome.

Shannie-Annie said...

Falkor, the luck dragon...I love it Lydia!
For sure Capt Nemo's ship, the Nautilus, from The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

Renny said...

I think it's all about bang for your buck. With my ride, you get a sweet semi AND a massive robot to deliver on your road rage. Because a Transformer is indeed, more than meets the eye.


Tennant said...

can i choose a chauffeur instead? if so, obvious choice = angelyne.


if that fails, gimme the jetson's flying car. that'll do.