Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Undercover Nerd

I love nerds. All kinds. Even this guy ^. I love them all because I am one. What things in your life emphasize your inner "Screech"?


Erin said...

3.14159265 reasons why I am a nerd:

1. Albert Einstein is my hero.

2. I watch documentaries constantly. Not only do I watch them for hours but I take detailed pen and paper notes the entire time.

3. I want to marry Phil from Modern Family. BAD.

3.14159265. I literally got goosebumps tonight waiting for the Science Channel's Through the Wormhole to come on.

In my eyes, if Bill Gates had a porn.. it'd be called: "I ain't micro and I definitely ain't soft"

ewwwwwwww. sorry-- had to add that in somewhere-- Its just too good!

lydia said...

I got the nickname "High Pants" for a reason.

Shannie-Annie said...

I'm so geeky that I already had a list ready:
My list of uncouthness is lengthy...
I am a weather freak, my most visited web address has the the letters NOAA in it and I get ridiculously excited over thunderstorms. You don't even want to know what tornadoes do to me.
I still have cassette tapes...hell, I even have a few albums hidden somewhere. I just got rid of the last of my 8-tracks a few years ago...I'm still regretting that.
I know all of the words to "Parents just don't understand" by DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince and can recite them on demand and not just because I think Will Smith is the master of the universe.
I can barely contain my sobs when I have to read the sad parts of the kid's bedtime stories...Chicken Soup for the Soul always makes me cry.
So geeky.
I watch Lost because it involves Quantum Mechanics and magnetism which is none of the reasons anyone else (cept my sister, love you) watches it...this is also why Dean Koontz is my one of my favorite authors. And no, I don't claim to understand Quantum anything but I will by the time I'm eighty, which makes me even
I am a Fanilow...and I still love Neil Diamond. I don't care.
To top it off, everyone thinks that my son collects the state quarters...yeah, nope. I started a secret quarter collection that I possessively protected like it was the Crystal of Truth or something. I vaguely remember having a 2 day standoff with my husband over him spending Maine.
I'm pretty sure you can't get any more nerd than that.