Thursday, June 3, 2010

I need a drink...recipe

So, yeah, me and Dirty thunderstorms are super tight that I'm creating a drink named after it...if you were my bartender, what would be in a Dirty Thunderstorm?


lydia said...

Pop-rocks and hot chocolate. Hot chocolate because that's what people on tv drink when they're in the house waiting for the storm to pass (I've never actually been in one. In California, we just have earthquakes and sub burns.)And pop-rocks for obvious reasons.

I'd probably throw some beer in there, too.

lydia said...

*sun burns

Shannie-Annie said...

Thanks for the clarification cuz I'dve spent at least an hour trying to figure out what the hell a sub burn is...

Nightrain said...

Fill a pint glass 2/5 full with dark roast, slightly cooled black coffee; add 1 1/2 oz of Bourbon, preferably Old Forester; top off with a large scoop of rich, vanilla ice cream.
