Thursday, May 27, 2010

Happy National Free Cosmetic Surgery Day!

I'm fairly certain that on the Swedish or Mayan or Burger King calendar, today is Free-cut-you-open-and-suck-it-out-or-fill-it-in have your choice of one procedure...anything on the menu, be it lipo, lift, transplant, hymenoplasty or

Brazilian Butt Lift Autologous Fat Transfer.

Are you vain enough to sign up? If so, which procedure would be make it worthwhile?


Shannie-Annie said...

Just as a side note: losing your bellybutton is optional and the sexilicious green underwear are not part of the package.

lydia said...

Butt implants, no question. I'm fine with my current back-side situation but I think a little more pop could do the booty good.

Renny said...

Thighs - suck 'em dry.

Melissa said...

I would get eyebrow implants so I could throw out all the brown eyebrow pencil stubs littering my home.

I would get bushy ones like liz taylor...but blond like a supple viking bride. what. what?

Tessa said...

My tum-tum, forsh!