Saturday, November 15, 2008

mushy time junction

what do you love. please make a list.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I bought some uglys...

I was tricked by my own hungover mind into buying these ugly Italian shoes... They look like something punky brewster would wear... .... ONLY UGLIER!!!

Today's question asks: What is the ugliest fashion you have sported in the last year?

Tim Gunn is rearing his head as we speak.

Friday, September 12, 2008

It ain't over till the fat lady sings!

Shrink Shrink Blinkety-Blink
Tryin to make me think
Gonna make me vomit
Clean it up with Comet
Earth is my plah-net....

Thats right sukkas, I want you best song lyric! What lyric really just hits that sweet spot in your soul, and makes you want to jump for musical joy!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Franjelic Thursday

Like a deer in the headlights.... tell me the stupidest thing you have said under pressure? You tried to give a good answer, but instead completely blew it. Maybe it was a cute guy/girl? the doctor? your parents? the cops?

Set the stage.. if I am not embarrassed with you, then you have failed!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I'm here to fuckin' amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How am I funny?

In the spirit of Goodfellas lets post our favorite jokes.. Last Sunday I left the Crows Nest feeling short changed after 2 comedians made me want to kill myself...

Reach back and let er rip, whatever your style is!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Snickers need not reply

Mike and I pick up our new kitties tomorrow and need to come up with names suitable for our regal young ladies. (One's supposed to be male but Mike isn't buying it. Dogs are boys and cats are girls.) So I'm commissioning all you in blogville for suggestions. What are the best pet names you've ever heard and what is the criteria for a successful name? (Success defined however you see fit.) 

Thursday, September 4, 2008


I got a little fucked over by my moving company and have been spooning Lydia on my hardwood floor for the last 4 nites. They say they will deliver my bed and 40,000 pairs of shoes today, but when they do I want to have choice words prepared for them. Not to hurt them as much as to soothe me and quench my anger. Please tell me your top 3 most satisfyying cuss words or terms of hatred. I will add them to the song of fury that I will sing to these &**#$%@#%^*&^** holes!!!! I will think of you as i dine on their souls and demolish their self esteem.

Trivia Day!

Thursdays are Trivia days!!!! At lease this one is... I will post 5 questions, and tomorrow AM I will put a comment up with the answers... Whoever wins.. gets free lunch!

1. What is Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin's favorite thing to hunt?
2. Approximately how many Statue of Libertys are there in one Empire State Building?
3. According to Big Black on Rob & Big ... how many wrongs makes a right?
4. To the nearest 25 how many words are in DMX's song "Party Up" .. you know the one And I quote.... "Y'all gon' make me lose my mind up in HERE, up in here"
5. How big is the city of San Francisco in square inches?

Good luck fucks!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

When was the last time you??????

Let's keep this myspace bulliten style...

Smoked Marijuana?
Were involved in a hit and run?
Smacked your best friend?
Fell on your bike?
Jumped a fence?
Slept in a gutter?
Sang the national anthem?

Just getting to know you guys, you know, so I can blackmail you later...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Blank is my kind of town

***** **** is my kinda town... What is your kind of town? Answer this as if you were suggesting places for me to live. Since Melissa is gone we all need to spread our wings and find new places to setup camp.. I want your suggestions.. Don't be shy, no destination is too far. Please include the food of choice, the religion of practice, and the political stance.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Even the hair of the dog wouldn't help...

Tell us about the worst hangover you had. In true White person fashion I wanna know how much you drank, who you drank with (with their phone numbers for validation), and all the lovely details! If you don't drink, then tell me about the worst diarrhea you have ever had. Include what food you ate.. if you say Vallarta.. join the club.

If you didn't end up naked in front of a police station like this guy... then you haven't lived my friend!

T-3 Days till we lose Melissa.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Kill a Commie for your Mommy

If you could have a "Lifetime Supply" of one Product, what would it be?
**Bonus Question: what is the sexiest food?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Reality Bites

Which character/person from a television would you most like to:
1. date
2. befriend
3. rent an apartment from
4. punch in the face

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Drunky Drunk Drunkenstein

name 3 things you do everytime you are drunk.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Womens Baseball

Just like the USA Softball team I am going to sweep you off you feet with my obscene sense of humor. I welcome myself to the blogging community with a large pat on the back.... I hope you all enjoy my cunning linguisitics (he he) and my no frills "I'll have sex with you at any point" attitude.

Ok so for my first post......

Which one of your friends would you have sex with if you knew no one would find out? Alternate question: What is your pet's name? and tell us a funny story about your parents.


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Belly Buster

Last night I got into a fight with a guy at the bar over  whether or not the dollar store sells Flamin' Hot Cheetos (They definitely do) and it got me thinking about terrible-yet-delicious food choices. Most of us have mixed together some crazy shit when we're too lazy to go grocery shopping so, for the benefit of all reading, please share your favorite recipes that:

1. sound gross but are actually pretty good
2. are examples of the type of culinary masterpieces that result when you're driven by hunger
3. something you invented that should definitely be marketed to the masses. 

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Last Time on Blogger Blogger....

Hey everyone, We are back on the air. Lydia & Mikes wedding seemed to seize everyones hearts and minds and then I was drunk for a couple weeks, but We are back in action and ready to blog you all back down to a stump. Those of you who were interested in Participating in hosting the blog please raise your hand again and I will help you get your shit set up. SO here we go....


Please describe the last time you pee'd your pants? If you were born potty trained, alternate question is: Can you write anything with your pee stream?

*The questions will eventually get back to being intellectual like they used to be...NaawT!

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Lydia and Mike are in Paris and London for their honeymoon right now. What do you think they will or *want* them to bring back for you.
--Dont say Giant Pencil, i already called it.--

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Describe your first kiss. Who was it with, where did it happen, and what made it memorable? Extra credit if you can tell us what that person is up to these days. And, yes, this may out you as a Myspace stalker. Own it, people. Own it.

Monday, July 14, 2008


Real quick! THANK YOU Tessa and Mary Virginia for volunteering to help us make this blog rad.
below is the way its gonna go. If ANYONE (Josh, Gelwicks, anyone..) wants to contribute once a week. there is one day still open!!!

Monday: Melissa
Tuesday: Lydia
Wednesday: Mary Virginia
Thursday: Melisa or Lyd or open for other contributor

Now go respond to some posts.

Are you seeing someone else?

Not that I don't trust you, but I know you look at other websites...everybody does, Its mostmodern human nature. Just tell me who it is?

Share with us all: What are 3 or 4 other funny, informative or weird websites that you visit. good shopping and good porn suggestions are also welcome.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Hurts so Good

What was the worst injury you've ever suffered?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

five finger discount and SEX

Describe the first time you stole something from a store, a friend, your grandma, whatever...

*******Bonus sexy question: ( I will try to ad these to my posts as I think it will get you people be more motivated). If you could make whoopie (no relationship, just one nite) with one person from movies/music/TV, who would it be. *********

Thank you Mary Virginia!

MV: send me an email (so i can give you the secret pass codes and what not) and we will decide on which days we will have you post. My goal is that there is a question up every week day, creating an urge in people to be a little less dedicated to there job or children. IF THERE IS ANYONE ELSE who would be willing to do this once a week I would be so happy. Lydia is busy with weddings and gluing dingle balls to boxes and im always drunk so its hard to do this every day...step up boys and girls, ...Mary Virginia did it...c'mon.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Lets gossip about Lydia

Just Kidding, we are really going to gossip about Craigslist. What is the Craziest Shit you have ever seen, bought,heard about or posted on Craigslist. I got some good ones, but you go first....
P.s: We need help! please support Breaker Blog by volunteering 15 minutes out of 1 of your weekdays to post a blog question. Lydia and I need support and you guys are our "so called friends"....dont make me manage you, step up.

Friday, July 4, 2008

SEx with me

would you have sex with yourself if you were him/her?
would you lose interest in you if you put out to you right away or would this be a necessary requisite for you to get a second date with you ? What would you say attracted you to you first?
confused? well go fuck yourself....

Monday, June 30, 2008

Give The People What They Want

Ok, perverts. Since the poll shows an overwhelming majority of you want more sex questions, here's one to start us off:

Has anyone in your life ever had to give you "the talk"? How did it go down and what kind of (mis)information did you get from it?

Friday, June 27, 2008

never forget......

Write your own eulogy Lazy! George Carlin (RIP) recently left behind his own "eulogy" and it was pretty good. What would yours say and who would deliver it.
******Bonus: What outfit will you be buried in?

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Delegation Station

Lydia and I are RAD, but so are you guys! Are there any members of our blog who would like to ask a question 1 day a week (Give Me and Lyd a day off and get some new question blood up in here?!). We cant pay you, but we will answer your posts. The only rules are: You need to not ask mean questions like: "Why is Melissa so vain?" and you have to get your friends to join the blog so we can go prime time.
Let us know if you are inerested and which day of the week you would like to be in charge of.
email me at:

Thanks and thanks,
Melissa & Lydia Osopensky

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

its such a perfect day........

Describe the best day of your life...whether it has happened yet or not. Whether it will ever happen or not. Just get into it. make sure it is packed with glory.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

If you could have any hair style, what would it be? 

Friday, June 20, 2008

Zits and brits

I have a really bad zit right now so I searched the internet for a solution. Turns out you have to use toothpaste on them and it will either make the zit go away or it will burn black holes in your face. Eitherway, The zit debate brought up some good questions for me. I'm 29. How come I still have zits and why is it that i feel the need to tell people about it the minute they make eye contact with me? I guess the real question is pretty general (a good one for gelwicks):

What is up with adult acne?
*and if you can't identify with this question tell us how old you were when you got pubes.

Below are some funny comments from my new favorite website:


CAUTION! BE CAREFUL! Comments By: SARABETH I put toothpaste on my face overnight in October of 2004.I woke up with a black mustache because I had a pimple on my lip and put toothpaste on it. We are now in 2006 and my skin has not been the same. I have small holes in my skin because it burned me. I also had to take yearbook pictures the next day. I took my photo and it will be memorable forever. My school labeled me '' TOOTHPASTE FACE''. I would never wish this on anyone so just think twice before acting. Maybe that happened because I slept with it on! JUST DON'T DO IT!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Fourth Meal

What have you eaten at 3am that would be out of the question at a civilized hour?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Golden Years...........

We all know that by the time we reach the autumn of our lives Social security will be about as real as unicorns riding leprechauns, BUT lets assume your pyramid schemes and other honorable business ventures pay off...How and Where will you spend your Retirement?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Quotable Notables

What silly lines get repeated over and over every time you and your friends get together and hit the sauce? Can you remember the glorious moment they were first uttered? Let us in on the joke even though I'm sure you had to be there.

Monday, June 16, 2008

We foot have to grest tomorrow:) LOL///TTL

This One may be too Specific for our beloved Nightrain, but play along because this question needs to be asked:

Sometimes I mis-text. Its kind of like how I don't use proper grammar in speech or in my blog, but worse because I'm usually texting important info like "What a bad girl I've been" or "what I'm wearing". More often than not, T9 thinks I'm trying to say something different and BAMM..I have sent a message that makes no sense. I know I am not the only one who has this problem because Lydia and a few others have sent me some crazy shit. So todays question is: Give some examples of a few T9 disasters or texting blunders that you have either sent or received.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

It 's good for ya!

What must-do thing haunts your day, your month, your year? What do you dread, put off as long as possible, but ultimately submit to in order to better yourself, for the greater good, for a paycheck? In honor of my having to grade a shit-load of essay exams, tell us what makes you cringe and what lengths you'll go to avoid it as well as why you suck it up eventually and make it happen. 

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Lydia Lydia Lydia

Well, Lydia is lagging ass at posting her next question, so I made an executive decision to ask todays question on my own.

What Is your favorite thing about Lydia?

*If you dont know Lydia, your question is:
What is your favorite thing about Kevin Costner?

Monday, June 9, 2008

She's a super freak; She's super freaky!

This next question is dedicated to our own true love Sarah Hidy, who for some reason wont participate in the blog (she has a hard time with computers). But we love her nonetheless and pose this question in her honor.

Name Three of your all time favorite Karaoke songs. These are the songs that make you punch the DJ in the face if they don't have them in the giant karaoke bible. These are the songs that are on YOUR life's soundtrack.

*I'm being Generous letting you pick three so have some self control....

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Change of Plan

Hey gang! Lydia and I decided it would be better if we only post on week days. Weekends are tough because we are usually busy:

-Doing physical fitness
-At the Flea Market buying tchotchkies
-Studying and writing dissertations (In Lydia's case)
-Being hung-the-fuck-over (In Melissa's Case)
-Practicing songs in the mirror
-Stalking people on myspace
-On the phone with each other.

So Just look forward to the interrogation game on the weekdays. I got a good one for tomorrow so stay tuned.

P.S. Kittens are getting their asses kicked. The next poll will go up tomorrow. Kitten haters.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Bonus points if it rhymes

You thought you'd live it down but, with the help of the internet, you can own it. Post for all to see the most embarrassing nickname you've ever been called. Please disclose the approximate time of use and circumstances surrounding the infamous moniker. If you've dodged this bullet, tell us what nickname you wish someone would give you or, even worse, a glorious name you've given to someone else. 


Friday, June 6, 2008

I Like your Sassy Outfit!

What kinda of fashion gives you passion?
What kind of clothes get you randy? Describe what you love to see a man or woman wearing ?
(pick the one you usually take home from bars). Describe what is sexy about this style/look.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

chain gangs and mashed potatoes

You're on death row and the chef wants to know what you'll be eating for your last meal. Why are you in jail, who testified at your trial, what have you been doing while serving time, and what's the meal gonna be? And, lastly, what method of execution would you prefer and who would show up to it?

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Red pens and delete buttons

What do you hate most about grammar? 

Friday, May 30, 2008

The internet club. 0100010100110111101

First thing is first:

Question # 1:

Your Club

I really like the Idea of clubs. Social clubs, boys clubs, secret clubs: You name it, I want in. I have a few assorted bastard clubs that I have started and have sort of failed at keeping up with, but love none the less. The first question in our "question club" is:

If you could start a club, ANY CLUB and were guaranteed to attract many members what would it be called? Describe your members, how to join, club activities and rules.