Saturday, August 23, 2008

Drunky Drunk Drunkenstein

name 3 things you do everytime you are drunk.


Melissa said...

Well I really limited myself with the specificity of this question, but that is probably better. I am not looking to end up on the cover of Enquirer. SO....
1. Play the air guitar. I know its not original or interesting, but I am no Charles Bukowski.

2. Makeout with my hand. Because I am the only duck that hasnt found someone to mate with for life. Im not crying about it though, I got cats.

3. Violate people or food. Thats why they call me whiskers.

Anonymous said...

1) Lose something: Usually just a piece of my fragile sanity, but sometimes something material or a friend. This last week for instance, I lost my wallet and iPod (both of which were returned), some random articles of clothing (not returned), and a credit card (probably left it at a bar, but it's cool, a new one's in the mail.)

2) Break something: Hopefully public property, but I just broke a cell phone and camera. But on a good note, Best Buy has a program with electronics - for $30, I can break my new camera everyday of the week for 2 whole years, walk into any Best Buy, and get a new one for free! I'm gonna put those idiots out of business!

3) Laugh so hard I may just suffocate, or cause another to. I actually laughed so hard this past weekend that in the process of turning around, tripped over my own feet, and slammed my face into the corner of a hotel wall. Of course I continued laughing like a maniac while bleeding profusely on the floor, but luckily I was partying with some nice folks who insisted that I go to the hospital and get stitched up - good thing, cuz I can't afford to get any uglier ;)