Friday, April 30, 2010

Why yes, I am a bonvivant

Lake Flies. It's what's for breakfast (if you're not careful). While packed with protein and black goo, Lake Flies are not a particularly tasty fare. However, if you are a closet bulimic (and who isn't?!), you will appreciate the instant need to re-experience the last 3 things you scarfed down. Yummers.

What is the grodiest thing you ever (accidentally, purposefully, or accidentally-on-purpose) ate?


Erin said...
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Erin said...

It was a dark and stormy night- I was dying of thirst and nothing could quench it except the familiar gulp of a giant glass of chocolate milk.

Anyway... I go to my fridge. Take out a jug of the stuff and take a big swig. I immediately spit it into the nearby sink because it tasted like a 90-year-old's intestinal tract. I look at the date and it says June 9, 2003. I look at my calendar for that day and see June 12, 2004. Then I barfed.

Moral of the story: If you've always wanted to know what a 90 year-old's intestinal tract tastes like(who hasn't??)... drink year old chocolate milk from the jug. Never fails.

Shannie-Annie said...

So, yes, I did indeed ingest a few lake flies while biking to the library one glorious spring day.
One particularly rude fly just wouldn't go down (he was a fighter) causing me to cough uncontrollably, forcing me to race into the bathroom of the library and expel all contents for the next 15 minutes. I've not used the library's bathroom since...I'm scared of the flashbacks.

Melissa said...

I straight up ate tiny worms once. Sarah was there. it was awful. i was on the train in Cologne, Germany and Sarah and I had just purchased ourselves some nice chocolate bars from Aldi. We tear into them and start to munch as the train rolls along. suddenly, I realize there is a tiny green worm inching his way along my tasty chocolate treat. I am absolutely suprised to see him on this bargain chocolate! I just remember instantly thinking that this worm had fallen on to my chocolate I am looking up and all around.... Like there are worms on the ceiling of the train! Suddenly, Sarah and i realize that the ceiling is worm free and in fact our chocolate bars are really "worm hotels" of some sort and are badly infested with teeny tiny green worms. It is gross, I know...but more than anything, it is interesting that my initial reaction was that the train was raining worms. But now I know you cant trust Aldi stores and you certainly cant expect worms to resist German chocolate.
side note related to food: The other day I was walking down the street in Evanston, illinois and a piece of pizza hit me in the stomach. I swear to god, it just hit me. It was still moist and got red sauce on my dress. I looked all around me and could not figure out where it came from. A man was passing me and i said "did you see that?"... and he said, "yep, that was wierd, where did that piece of pizza come from?". it was so bizzare and awesome. In short, I now believe in witches.

Sarah the Hairy said...

Just to clarify the German worm event.. We had no money this was the first thing we had eaten in days.. I think it was on discount at ALDI (so you know it was old!) I was taking my time ..Melissa was raping this Choclate with her face. When she realized it was full of worms she threw the bar and started spitting all over the poor German travelers. I however remained calm because being an Urbancic this was the 3rd time I had eaten Choclates filled with worms ..extra protien in our house. That and Weevls also known as moving pepper.