Tuesday, April 20, 2010

let us reminisce.

"Sehnsucht is a German noun translated as "longing", "yearning" and "craving", or in a wider sense a type of "intensely missing". However, Sehnsucht is almost impossible to translate adequately and describes a deep emotional state." -Wikipedia Yo.

I brought this damn blog back from the dead AGAIN...because I was really missing it...AGAIN.

From time to time I smile wistfully as the sun shines on my face, the wind blows in my hair....and I think..."What ever happened to that ol' scamp of a blog?"

That being said, what thing(s) do you miss?


Melissa said...

I am going to respond first to set the tone and I will be using the classic list format as it is the most organized approach. (turns out what I miss is liquid ingestibles and is riddled with cliche time-of-my life-memories...sorry in advance)

1. I miss the vodka and orange juice I was drinking the day Michael proposed to me on an airplane.
2. I miss the coffee I was sipping on with Sarah as we sat in a cafe, playing MASH and smoking our faces off in Cologne (i think the cafe was actually called "Sehnsucht".
3. I miss the 3 bottles of wine Lydia and I drank together the night of our first all-girl sewing/gossiping date.
4. I miss warm milk (heated with care by my mom) in my plastic Nesquik Bunny cup, back when I was still rocking baby teeth and the worlds chubbiest cheeks.
5. I miss father Bernie Booze and the lake water I accidentally gulped down last summer in Wisconsin with the fam.

shannie-annie said...

I rountinely miss hitting the high notes while singing "Bring me to life" on Rock Band.
Not that kind of miss?
I miss having the time to be bored.
I miss artists with real musical talent.
I miss boiling ham bones for Molly.
I miss "Moonlighting".
I miss Mongos.
I miss my pre-kids, pre-aged body.
I miss my brown van.
I miss my sister.
And my other sister...and my brothers...
sob, this one made me sad.
To cheer me up, I too miss Father Bernie's booze.

Renny said...

I miss just about everything from my childhood. In my adulthood, I can almost always associate some negativity to the things I enjoyed in the past. For example, "I really miss my neighborhood sunset walks in San Diego... the place where my marriage dissolved." So I try not to think about the delights of the near past. But when I was a kid, I remember the vast majority of it as delightful. So, I guess I really miss bath time. When I was little, my mom would wash my hair, and we would sing "Happy Talk" from "The South Pacific." Then, as I got older, I would take my bath after dance class and think about getting up the courage to kiss my 5th grade boyfriend on the lips. And when, I was in high school, I would bring my cd player in there and listen to entire albums at a time. Taking a bath gives you solitude where you can just think in total relaxation. And at the end, you are squeaky clean, ready to tackle your next matter at hand.
I can't remember the last time I took a bath in my home because I know the bathtub is not clean enough for me to rest easy in. However, I like to utilize the tub in hotels and have even taken my own bubble bath along. But any time I get in the warm, bubbly tub I feel like a carefree kid.

lydia said...

Happy. Talk. Talking' happy talk.

Talk about things you like tooo dooooo.

I miss Nick Cage, Sarah Jessica Parker, and James Caan in "Honeymoon in Vegas."