Monday, April 6, 2009

Hey Americans, Monday is bragday!

Name 5 things you have done that you are proud of.
(Go large because tomorrows topic may be regrets, sarrows and shame....)


lydia said...

1. Today I learned how to make the copier at work print double-sided AND staple the papers together for me. I'm a genius.

2. I am training my cats to poop in the toilet. This will either be a future source of MAJOR pride or be a total disaster.

3. I was a big girl this week by sitting through 2 whole hours of tattooing on my ribs (which, by the way, doesn't tickle at all) and owning my ink-related decisions by telling my who couldn't hate them more.

4. I switched from regular Vitamin Water to diet. So I am proud of my soon-to-be-bangin' ass and thighs.

5. 8 months and still married! I'm proud I landed such a stud that can take all my abuse.

Melissa said...

1. I am proud that our turtle Floaty eats fish like a serial killer in a half shell.

2. I feel good about the fact that I can compare peoples physical features to other people or even inanimate objects with uncanny accuracy (recent example: Michaels bf Buck looks like the litte kid from Poltergeist, bowl cut and all! boo-yah!!!)

3. I am proud to have such a handsome man to show off around town. Plus he says nice things to me and buys me anything I want.

4. I am proud that I made my own family out of these random people called friends. We have no common last name and we dont share genes, but we will go down in history as royalty and bandits. (think british monarchy meets hatfields and mccoys!)

5. I am proud that I am not a complete fucking crazy and that I have most of my wits about me considering that my life has been a little like Vietnam and Watergate all rolled into one. You cant keep me down Nixon A.K.A life's-troubles!

Shannie-Annie said...

1) I'm proud that I never saw Titanic...mostly because everyone else in the world has.
2) I'm really excited that I have a 5th grader that still likes me...I thought for sure by now she'd puke at the site of me.
3) Proud, impressed, relieved and sometimes a little surprised to still be married to my dreamy husband...finally to the point that I realize that no one else would have been man enough to put up with me and tame my sorry ass.
4) Sorry, this one is vain...I'm a web designer...that makes me so frickin' cool in my head.
5) If we're really going to get down to it, I'm proud to be the prude that I am considering how un-hip and uber-dorky it is to be one...wait, that kinda goes with the Titanic one...obviously I gravitate to doing the un-popular thing.
6) Siblings that get along and adore each other?? (well, I adore them) Practically unheard of...
crap, that's 6.
7) Kidding...I do have more though...can we have more brag days??? Can we have a brag week?? How about a Shannon blog?

Sarah the Hairy said...

1. I lost 22 pounds ...thats like 83 Quarter pounders!! ....83 Quarter pounders I want to eat!

2. Driving to Oregon I crashed the car.. and didn't get out of the vehicle drop to my knees and scream like I had lost my Mother.(done that) I maintained calmed the kids and drove it all the way back to SC.. maybe it wasn't that painful because it was Jasons car :)

3. My baby girl Audrey who is SO funny , sweet , beautiful and has an amazing ability to accessorize ..who knew any thing this perfect could come out of me :)

4.I have not fallen in 3 days... I feel like I need one of those signs they post in work areas about the most recent injuries

5. My husband who I think married me because of curiosity... who is this strange lady whom can guzzle booze like a sailor survives on only bacon and burgers... and I can understand 2 words out of seven that she speaks :) He always makes me feel pretty and I adore him for that.
and my friends who are friends with me for the same reason....not because they think I'm pretty ..but they do think I'm funny...and I have some pretty fuckin funny friends ...

HurleySauce said...

1. I made one amazing egg and T-bone steak sandwich today at this crappy house. I did not think it was possible to produce such an amazing dinner in such a terrible place.

2. I also have never seen Titanic, I am pretty proud of this fact.

3. I beat Michael 33-0 in Tecmo bowl which is pretty much the only game he can beat me at. This was a glorious victory in my books. I will never forget it.

4. When I was in my prime and Michael was nearing the hill, I crossed him over better than Tim Hardaway ever crossed anyone over...I literally broke his ankles. Except he only sprained an ankle which isn't as good, but I will take it.

5. I bought my own pool table when I was in high school. I also bought pocket reducers which made me incredible and I dominated everybody's asses (no not like that) and hustled playas from across the Appleton area. Then we moved and I had to sell my pool table :'(. It was a fun time in my life and I miss being good at billiards.

lydia said...

Melissa, how awesome would it be if we DID have a common last name?!! (Or at least if we all had some cool birth mark, and by "birth mark" I mean scar.) I'm down if y'all are.