Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The best.

Where were you and who were you with when you had the best:

Moment of realization:
Career accomplishment:
Time you got lucky (not like that!):

1 comment:

HurleySauce said...

Cheeseburger: FuddRuckers, double date in Madison (With the pole vaulter haha Michael).
Party: Madison Sophomore year at my apartment with my roommates and some ladies.
Revenge: I don't seek revenge. Or I just don't remember any of my revenges...
Moment of realization: Don't feel like answering this one.
Career accomplishment: Didn't start my career yet, but when I found out I got the job at Heartland this summer...I was by myself in the library.
Kiss: In the Highland(?) school forest 8th grade (late bloomer) with Rachel, the supposed 4th cousin? hahaha
Time you got lucky (not like that!): When I didn't die with pneumonia, that was pretty sweet and lucky.
News: See career thing above.
Surprise: Rock Band for my birthday (way early) totally had no idea, thanks Shan and everyone else!
Vacation: Florida this past spring break. Sorry family (Hiltonhead was great), but Florida was spectacular.