Thursday, April 16, 2009

who is in charge of you.

Love, commitment, financial need and loyalty make other people or organizations "in charge of" some aspects of our life. Rattle of the closest people or biggest responsibilities in your life and how they keep you in line, on your toes, or just plain busy.


Melissa said...
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Melissa said...

Michael is the boss of my heart. meaning: I WOULD jump off a bridge if he did first.

Sarah owns my whole life meaning we are bound by history and started planning our lives together at the age of 8 and have a plan to stick to so to speak.
(get old, be drunk together, do crafts, etc)

Lydia holds me accountable to my youth, creativity and feistininity. Meaning if it werent for her I may act my age (old), stop making crafts and let people walk all over me.

Josh: keeps me angry and witty.

My new Hurleys: Keep me in the Kitchen because all I want to do is feed them and listen to them joke around.

April 16, 2009 11:35 AM

lydia said...

"Fiestininity"! Can anyone say dissertation?!!!

Shannie-Annie said...

It's no secret that, right or wrong (probably wrong) my munchkins compass all of my world...the part that makes it right is that I've always planned it that way and I'm pretty good at it...the part that makes it wrong is that it has set me up for the worst heart ache of my life. I truly believe that raising them will be the most important thing that I do with my life, so I take it as seriously as a heart attack and, yes, it also hurts like a heart attack.
And that would be why we own a bar, cuz at the end of all of this (or more accurately in the middle) I am going to need lots o' liquor to ease my pain and lots o' money to shop away my heart-ache (and to bribe them with).
To that regard, I keep only a handful of people close to me (well, really I keep only a handful cuz most other people annoy me too much). My fam (soon-to-be inlaws included!)is top of the list along with some refuse-to-live-without friends (Jets, Sarah and a few who wish to remain nameless) that bring me joy, wine, laughter and shopping deals.
Crap I have a good life!