Monday, September 8, 2008

Snickers need not reply

Mike and I pick up our new kitties tomorrow and need to come up with names suitable for our regal young ladies. (One's supposed to be male but Mike isn't buying it. Dogs are boys and cats are girls.) So I'm commissioning all you in blogville for suggestions. What are the best pet names you've ever heard and what is the criteria for a successful name? (Success defined however you see fit.) 


Josh B. said...

Butch - Male or Female.. hard yet refined.. could be bi... could be lesbian... Butch the cat.

Cock Tease and Blue Balls... I used to have two beta fish that had to be restrained via clear glass.. which meant that the male one must of had blue balls all the time.. he was blue afterall...

Ponch.. Elisa's dog's name is ponch, I like it cause it's tough. Just like Mike.

slowpoke said...

how about meow? think how stupid that cat will be always refering to itself. meow is hungry. meow needs to go outside. ha! silly cat refering to itself in the 3rd person all the time. and you! wandering the streets meowing for your lost cat