Thursday, September 11, 2008

Franjelic Thursday

Like a deer in the headlights.... tell me the stupidest thing you have said under pressure? You tried to give a good answer, but instead completely blew it. Maybe it was a cute guy/girl? the doctor? your parents? the cops?

Set the stage.. if I am not embarrassed with you, then you have failed!!!


Josh B. said...

Oh dear.. where do I begin... here is a good one...

My friend Melissa had a party where everyone dressed up as people from Chicago...

I dressed up as Harry Caray. You know like the Will Farrell character on SNL (google it). I was in the kitchen my head shaking like a bobblehead as I did my best "Hey, Hey, if you were a hot dog and you were starving, would you eat yourself?? Hey." in the key of Harry Caray. Then I get the great idea to 'get this party started' and ask the people in the room if they want a shot. There are only 6 of us in the kitchen.. Melissa, Garret, Lydia, Mike, and Melissa's friend who is a lesbian... "Does anyone want to take a shot, Hey, with me?" I pronounce. With my head bobbling I look around the room and say "I'll drink anything, as long as it's not rum... that would be gay." I then realize that the girl standing right next to me is indeed gay, and I turn to her and say "Hey, not that there is anything wrong with that." I was about to blow up laughing as I slowly moonwalked out of the room (looking for the knife to the stomach).... Ahh sensitivity... ain't it great!

Anonymous said...

hmmm ok. Back when i was working construction. A good friend of mine had a painting job and i was helping him out. we took lunch and were sitting at McDeez. and out of the blue he's all "Steve. im gay." I go "Shut the fuck up todd dont be such a fag"
"No really man its true."
"Quit it you fuckin puss"
"Hey man, Im serious im starting a new life for myself"
Me: "Are you going to finish those frys dude?"

just going with the gay theme here.

Anonymous said...

i can't think of a time when i said anything embarassing because i am always eloquent with my words. [sarcasm] except for the time when i was meeting my new boyfriend's buddy for the first time, he said he was studying geology and i said "so you must be able to navigate your way around the world pretty good." even if he said geography, that was a stupid thing to say.

ANYWAY, my story is actually about everybody's favorite freshie off the boat (and i mean that in a nice way) Thy Phan!! we went to blockbuster and checked out 2 videos when she had some issues sliding her credit card to pay for them. she started laughing and said "GOD, i am such a retard!" to the very "special" employee at the register... gotta love her. she looked up and they stared at each other for at least a minute before they both slowly lowered their heads and looked away.