Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Blank is my kind of town

***** **** is my kinda town... What is your kind of town? Answer this as if you were suggesting places for me to live. Since Melissa is gone we all need to spread our wings and find new places to setup camp.. I want your suggestions.. Don't be shy, no destination is too far. Please include the food of choice, the religion of practice, and the political stance.


Josh B. said...

I have a feeling I will be the lone wolf on this question... anyways...

Austin is my kind of town.. It's small enough to feel cozy, but big enough to get away from all the jerks you met the night before. Food is amazing, people are great, scenery is ok, haven't done the lakes yet.. but I WILL!!!!! Housing is cheap, schools are good, women are loose (just kidding, sorta). They are mostly liberal, read the kaballah, and love Lance Armstrong (yes, that is a political stance).

Melissa said...

Cologne is my kinda town. Deutschland uber alles. Its pretty, fun, fancy, old, artsy, friendly and they have hella delightful deutsch snacks there.

slowpoke said...

This is my kind of town, chicago is
My kind of town, chicago is
My kind of people too
People who smile at you
And each time I leave, chicago is
Tuggin my sleeve, chicago is
The wrigley building, chicago is
The union stockyard, chicago is
One town that wont let you down
Its my kind of town

god bless you frankie baby!