Thursday, June 19, 2008

Fourth Meal

What have you eaten at 3am that would be out of the question at a civilized hour?


lydia said...

Josh's frozen vegetables, Fritos at the bar, anything from Taco Bell.

In all honesty, my problem is one of portion and not content (I eat crazy shit all the time). I regret hoffing down the tub of potato salad and entire bag of Doritos every time I do it once a week.

Josh B. said...

Saturn Cafe...
Asti Corn beef and cabbage sandwich
Pizza that some homeless dude gave to me
Melissa's undies.. yeah, I was that drunk.

Melissa said...

Funny Thing...Lydia and i had a fourth meal last nite...from the Home of the fourth meal: Taci-bell!!!
We got it to go though so we could eat in on my neighbors lawn. It was 3 in the AM but he stopped by our picnic so that we could sexually harass him while we wolfed down taco's. His name is Jay, he's like seventeen but pretty hot. I told him I would be leaving my blinds open from here on out so he can see my boobs.
Thats right, I said Boobs! You guys said you wanted more sex in this blog.....

lydia said...

The Asti serves food? I wish I didn't know that.

Nightrain said...

1) A whole container of chocolate-vanilla swirl frosting (con sprinkles)... no cake.

2) An entire box of Twinkies (that would be 24, for those of you counting at home) and a 2 liter bottle of room-temp cream soda.

3) Post-Dance floor vageeeeeen.