Monday, June 16, 2008

We foot have to grest tomorrow:) LOL///TTL

This One may be too Specific for our beloved Nightrain, but play along because this question needs to be asked:

Sometimes I mis-text. Its kind of like how I don't use proper grammar in speech or in my blog, but worse because I'm usually texting important info like "What a bad girl I've been" or "what I'm wearing". More often than not, T9 thinks I'm trying to say something different and BAMM..I have sent a message that makes no sense. I know I am not the only one who has this problem because Lydia and a few others have sent me some crazy shit. So todays question is: Give some examples of a few T9 disasters or texting blunders that you have either sent or received.


Melissa said...

Well lets get right down to the knitty gritty:

1. I send at least one text a day that says "foot" instead of "dont" Foot take me seriously guys.

2. I cant figure out how but I send a lot of texts that say "in out" instead of "im not".

3. I once called Lydia a CITAG...she figured out what i was really trying to say though.

4. Someone (I wont name names) once texted me that they wanted to start collecting souvenir slaves instead of souvenir plates.

Anyways, maybe my thumbs are too fat for texting. I dunno.

lydia said...

You are such a CITAG. You can't steal my T9 stories!!!

I've only had two memorable mishaps, one where I unwittingly came out as a very pushy lesbian, the other as an asshole.

Lydia: "Melissa, we need to sew NOW."
T9: "Melissa, we need to sex NOW."

Lydia: "Take note: I now collect souvenir plates."
T9: "Take note: I now collect souvenir slaves."

PS Melissa, being the great friend she is, denied me both.

Josh B. said...

One time I was trying to call someone a CITAG and it called them a bitch... man was I embarrassed....

Nightrain said...

QWERTY keypads for life.