Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Red pens and delete buttons

What do you hate most about grammar? 


Anonymous said...

The Subject Verb Agreement


Anonymous said...

People who feel the need to correct you, constantly. Go ahead. Correct it. I am aware of your desire to correct my dangling adverb.

Melissa said...

I like the album Country Grammar by Nelly. I like his teeth. I dont know what you are talking about otherwise. According to rachel, they dangle and I like stuff that dangles. like earrings and carrots. y'know?

Anonymous said...

Dont forget balls, they dangle... As far as grammar goes I think I should be allowed to split infinitives whenever I want, like in Star Trek... ie. "to boldly go where no man has gone before". Can you believe that isnt grammatically correct when it sounds so exciting?


Nightrain said...

Honestly, I really appreciate grammar.

"Proper grammar" is an irreplaceable cornerstone to a successful professional career.

With that said, once you have mastered the intricacies of grammar, and established yourself as a superior writer, it is perfectly acceptable to branch-out and explore the boundaries and flexibilities of the written language. So, as long as you are not a complete idiot to begin with, grammar is simply a "guideline" and not a necessarily "rule."

...and I like that

Anonymous said...

comma splices are so easy to write, so easy to fix.

I don't know what I hate but I LOVE dangling modifiers:
"Walking down the street, a car honked at me 'cause I'm fly." <---get it? sounds like the car was walking...and funny cause its says I'm fly.

Oh- I think the one thing I hate is how grammar is spelled. It should definitely be grammEr.
