Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Lydia Lydia Lydia

Well, Lydia is lagging ass at posting her next question, so I made an executive decision to ask todays question on my own.

What Is your favorite thing about Lydia?

*If you dont know Lydia, your question is:
What is your favorite thing about Kevin Costner?


Anonymous said...

I'd have to say Lydia's alcohol induced narcolepsy is quite humorous, or just how plain goofy she is right before she passes out.


Melissa said...

Lydia is:
Stylish, smarter than shit, a candy aficionado, a professional sleeper, a private detective, considerate to a fault, an excellent crafter and a damn good dancer. What is there NOT to love is the question. I blew it.

lydia said...

I love how many friends she has. Geez, guys, it's not a popularity contest. Thanks, Melissa and Jeff, for digging deep and finding redeeming qualities. The rest of you can bite me.

chavala said...
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Mary Virginia said...

Lydia: her ability to unabashedly wear fluorescent pink lip gloss. rock it, girl!
Kevin Costner: uh . . . Bull Durham? oh, yeah, and his super-thick neck. it's like there's no transition from head to shoulders. crazy.

Nightrain said...

Political conversations and beer pong skills.