Wednesday, June 25, 2008

its such a perfect day........

Describe the best day of your life...whether it has happened yet or not. Whether it will ever happen or not. Just get into it. make sure it is packed with glory.


Melissa said...

My perfect day:
1. I wake up in a bed of presents.
2. I get a call from my boss saying "take the day off" and "by the way, you got a raise.."
3. Jeff calls me and we go play frisbee and feed the ducks. He buys me lunch at the resturaunt of my choice.
4. I go home to find someone has washed my car for me. (Josh?!?)
4.5. I find $800 under my pillow that says "spend me" so I go shopping for fancy electronics and shoes.
5.75. While driving around in my clean car the radio is on and there is a contest to win tickets to see any sharks game for the rest of my life: I call in and WIN!!!Also, i win a brand new pair of ski's and a pomeranian.
5. Lydia and Sarah call and say: "come meet up with us". I get there to find ALL my asshole friends there, dressed in rediculous costumes, giving high fives and taking shots. I join in.

6. At the end of the party all my friends and loved ones sing me a song that announces that they are all moving to Chicago with me. As a finale, the tear open their shirts and everyone has "Melissa" tattooed on their chests..How sweet, Thanks Guys!!!

The End.

Melissa said...

Then I wake up and realize: I cant count.

Nightrain said...

Easy question...

Wake up without an alarm... ride my bike to Tacos Moreno and pick up an al pastor supreme and some bean quesos... grab some tall cans at the market... head on down to the beach... and chillllllllllllll.

lydia said...

1. I wake up from too much sleep and don't have to put on my contacts because my vision has miraculously improved overnight.

2. I eat a giant breakfast of lasagna and meatballs when the phone rings. It's sitting right next to me so I don't have to get up (there's no need for exercise. My ass is bangin').

3. I pick up and its my publisher calling to let me know that they've sold a billion copies of my book.

3.5. Call waiting kicks in and its my school calling to say they are giving me an award for being so smart.

4. So I decide to take the day off and sew with my friends but I hear a commotion outside.

5. Look out the window and Mike and Johnny Depp are playing chicken with their cars to see who gets to date me. (Mike wins. I stopped the battle just in time to declare my favorite but it's good to know I could have had Johnny if I wanted.)

6. We all go inside (Johnny's invited, too. He brought his friend Christopher Walken for Melissa) and have a BBQ with more lasagna.

7. We laugh for hours but stop because the phone rings again. It's Los Altos High calling and they've had a recount. Turns out I did win homecoming queen.

Melissa said...

BBQ-ing inside is dangerous Lyd...

Mary Virginia said...

Perfect Day: River, canoes, beers, cigarettes, barbecue, flea market, romantic date, great dress, sparkly accessories . . . wait, that won't fit in one day.
geez, now that I read lydia and melissa's entries, I realize that I'm shootin kinda low. Oh well.