Thursday, June 12, 2008

It 's good for ya!

What must-do thing haunts your day, your month, your year? What do you dread, put off as long as possible, but ultimately submit to in order to better yourself, for the greater good, for a paycheck? In honor of my having to grade a shit-load of essay exams, tell us what makes you cringe and what lengths you'll go to avoid it as well as why you suck it up eventually and make it happen. 


Melissa said...

Honestly, I cant make myself do anything I dont feel like doing. I have no discipline. I know I should write more, but fuck goin to look at myspace...

Nightrain said...

Waking up.

Josh B. said...

Hanging out with Melissa.

Mary Virginia said...

Well, since Lydia stole grading, I'll go ahead and own up to procrastinating on doing my taxes. I still haven't sent in my return for 2007--and there's money on the line!