Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Golden Years...........

We all know that by the time we reach the autumn of our lives Social security will be about as real as unicorns riding leprechauns, BUT lets assume your pyramid schemes and other honorable business ventures pay off...How and Where will you spend your Retirement?


lydia said...

If by "retire" you mean "quit school," and if by "quit school" I mean "get kicked out of school," than I may do that before the year is up. I've got my eye Phoenix because apartments rent for $70 a month and every one comes with a pool.

Melissa said...

This question is hard. I like gambling, guns and drinking so maybe vietnam? I also love Santa Cruz, but it may have fallen off the country by then. I may have to retire on a houseboat on lake michigan with my 47 cats and my coin collection. Who knows what my magical geriatric days will hold....