Saturday, June 7, 2008

Bonus points if it rhymes

You thought you'd live it down but, with the help of the internet, you can own it. Post for all to see the most embarrassing nickname you've ever been called. Please disclose the approximate time of use and circumstances surrounding the infamous moniker. If you've dodged this bullet, tell us what nickname you wish someone would give you or, even worse, a glorious name you've given to someone else. 



Melissa said...

I have been given A LOT of knicknames in my years as a travelling midget acrobat. Im just gonna list em:

-Pumpkin : From my brother Rocky in the early 80's

-Multissa elephant pencilhead: from my brother, same era

-Lizard: My entire family called me this starting at age 4 when they realized I have an enormous long tongue (inherited from my dad). Its actually more like an ant eater tongue- my family doesnt know animals at all.

-Alifair: From grandma Edna...she didnt like my first name.

-Meech, Peach or Monkey: From Jeff. I dont know where these names originated, but to this day He still rarely calls me Melissa.

Nightrain said...

Uh.. the question was WAY too specific, but I will participate to an extent...

Nightrian... started in high school, but really took off at the UCSB dorms primarily due to Guns N' Roses karaoke and my nocturnal habits.

SpitFire... because I ruled at soccer.

General... because I yelled at everyone indiscriminately on the soccer field and basketball court.

There are others, but they won't be shared here.

Josh B. said...

I never really had a nickname. Brower called me diaper cause I talk a lot of shit, Olga calls me penisface, dick bump, and some other odd ones, James calls me J-Tosh, My mom calls me sweetie, and my pimp calls me meaty.

lydia said...

Sorry for the specificity. Question for tomorrow: "What's your favorite thing?"

Mary Virginia said...

My name is Mary Virginia. In high school, my little sister's gutter-punk-wannabe friends dubbed me "Hairy Vagina"--Hairy for short. It stuck for years.
Also, I had a boyfriend who called me pochoclo, which is the Argentine word for chocolate. He also called me Mora, which means berry. That was sweeter than Hairy.

Anonymous said...

"Tess Tickle" given to me by Dan's cousin, Mandy. I learned my new nickname when my first Rolling Stone issue arrived. Thanks for the subscription Mandy!