Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hey, Big Spender

This week, I spent about $5,000 in photo equipment, and it's been weighing on me. I'm comfortable with my decision to buy a new camera, lens, flash, lens filter, battery, bag, and memory cards; it's just that, damn, that's a lot of money to spend all at once! What has been your big purchase, and how does shelling out that kind of cash make you feel?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Undercover Nerd

I love nerds. All kinds. Even this guy ^. I love them all because I am one. What things in your life emphasize your inner "Screech"?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

What's my motivation?

Usually, I spend my evening commute catching up on my singing. I flip through the radio stations looking for something danceable (one can do a surprising amount of hip shaking while driving) and/or something that begs for vocal accompaniment. But yesterday, things took an unexpected turn. I polish off a stellar performance of Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance," followed by a version of CCR's "Fortunate Son," and then, BOOM, jackpot! Nirvana. I'm getting pumped up as the song opens and clear my throat for what's to come. (Hold the "that's what she said" jokes). And then the words:

"Rape me. Rape me, my friend. Rape me. Rape me again."

First, let me say I love this song, love this song, love this song. I've loved it since before I had my first kiss, since before I had braces, since before I shaved my legs (and, fyi, those things happened in backwards order.) But had I never actually sang it out loud? I doubt it but, for some reason, it was really fucking weird singing "rape me" yesterday. I powered through the discomfort and did Nirvana proud, but the whole time I think I had a super awkward look on my face. The driver stopped at the light next to me must have thought I farted or something.

Anyways, are there any song lyrics, lines from a movie, etc. that you would be uncomfortable saying, even under the pretenses of "acting"?

Thursday, June 3, 2010

I need a drink...recipe

So, yeah, me and Dirty thunderstorms are super tight that I'm creating a drink named after it...if you were my bartender, what would be in a Dirty Thunderstorm?

Are you all dead?

Is the bloggy part of my computer broken or have I been blacklisted? Are you all dead or just saving it all up for my Friday post?
Where is you all?

Friday, May 28, 2010

Live Fast, Die Hard

It's a sad day for America. Heidi and Spencer are getting divorced, Brett Michaels may be replacing Simon on American Idol, and Gary Coleman died. This last death comes on the back of a wave of celebrity losses: Ronnie James Dio, Britney Murphy, Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson, John Travolta's dogs, the guy from the OxyClean infomercials.

If you were in the spotlight, having your life recorded by paparazzi at every step, how would you want to go? A quiet exit or out with a bang, what death would be a fitting end to your days of glamor and excess? What would you want written on your tombstone?

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Happy National Free Cosmetic Surgery Day!

I'm fairly certain that on the Swedish or Mayan or Burger King calendar, today is Free-cut-you-open-and-suck-it-out-or-fill-it-in have your choice of one procedure...anything on the menu, be it lipo, lift, transplant, hymenoplasty or

Brazilian Butt Lift Autologous Fat Transfer.

Are you vain enough to sign up? If so, which procedure would be make it worthwhile?