Tuesday, May 4, 2010

You little devil!

What is something "mean" or "bad" that you secretly enjoy doing.
Example: farting in an elevator before you get out. ( I've NEVER done that! Just an example, jeez!!)


Shannie-Annie said...

I believe in justice and when justice fails, I believe in universal revenge.
I do.
It's bad, I know and really is against everything else I believe in, but I'm working on it.
I'm not really talking about revenge in the sense of me doing something to get back at someone, more like karma type revenge where what goes around comes around. Like the guy who cut me off last week on the highway and then 5 minutes later I drove past him as he was pulled over by a black and white. I waved.
It was glorious.
Universal revenge.
I so enjoy it.

lydia said...


Shannie, your post reminds me of something my aunt used to say when people would screw her out of money:

"May they always need it."


Renny said...

I am extremely liberal with my middle while driving. I really hate assholes, so if you see my flag waving your way, you have so been branded.

I consider less as mean and more of a public service. Maybe I'm the first person to let an asshole know he or she is in fact, an asshole. The first step to solving a problem is admitting you have one, and this could be exactly what someone on the fence of good vs. evil needs to start the road to reform.

Melissa said...

You guys are wimps. I leave my charger plugged in all the time because I wanna! I DONT give money to bums I don't even feel bad and sometimes I throw gum out my car window when I'm driving and smile cause littering is vintage.

Erin said...

Shan-- I'm out of ideas after your post. I am also a revenge-aholic. Damn.


For some reason I really enjoy giving random strangers mean looks. Maybe not little old grandmas but people that just seem annoying or asshole-ish. And especially people that look like Carrot Top. Those are the ones I reserve a Excorcism of Emily Rose-esque-look for.