Friday, May 21, 2010

You down with OCD...yeah you know me!

We all do it in some sick way or another...what is your OCD habit? What can you not do or not not do or have to do or have to not do...


Shannie-Annie said...

So, yeah, it's lame but if any part of me brushes against a flat paint wall, I'll spend the next 10 minutes trying to rub the dryness off of that spot on me. It feels like somebody took a piece of fine sandpaper and rubbed circles on an exposed bone...

Melissa said...

1st of all...that guy washing his hands looks like Wayne Gretzky!

2nd of all... NO! I hate to be a braggart and horn tooter, but I have no OCD tendencies so far in my life. I guess sometimes I double check to make sure I flushed the toilet, but i say that is more a symptom of urine-shame-disorder.

Renny said...

For my entire life, I've had a major aversion to tooth brushing. It's still something I hate to do (although I do it twice a day), and I cannot bear to look at myself in the mirror when I do it. It wasn't until about three years into my last relationship that I would let anyone watch me do it, and watching someone else brush their teeth is simply out of the question. If I see it on tv or a movie I look away or cover my eyes, and if there is the brushing sound, I close my eardrums.

I'm sick, but thankfully not sick enough to stop brushing my teeth. I guess I've now given you a key tip on how to torture me: tie me up and keep my eyes open Clockwork Orange style and then stand in front of me with toothpaste foam pouring out of your mouth. I'm cringing just thinking about it.

Erin said...

Hmmm... I don't think I can list all of my OCD-ish tendencies without making someone think I need Prozac immediately but here is my main one:

I have to set exactly four alarms for me to wake up (it's probably a good thing that nobody sleeps next to me anymore). Three on my phone with different ring tones and one on my alarm clock. The one on my alarm clock I have to hit, once again, four times to make sure that it is set correctly. Don't ask me why but it must be done.

Also-- I CANNOT stand it if a stranger touches me. Tapping me on the shoulder, breathing on me, or even accidentally brushing against me. If this occurs, I will have to rub the violation site for at least 4 minutes to rid me of any "stranger residue".

Yikes-- I may need to call my doc in 4 minutes to write me a prescription..

Tessa said...

Oh god, I wish Dan would answer this one...he's got enough for the both of us. You should see us trying to leave the house.

The only thing I can think of is that I don't allow anybody to put pint glasses in our porcelain kitchen sink cause they'll break. This results in stacks and stacks of pint glasses piled up next to the sink. Pretty reasonable though, cause I LOVE my pint glasses! Hey, I didn't steal them for nothin'!

lydia said...

Tessa, tell Dan that him and I need to arrange for treatment together. We could split the cost but probably never make it to the sessions because we're both nuts.

I have such a hard time leaving the house. I have to check to see if I unplugged the curling iron at least 4 times. Recently, the list of appliances I have to make sure are off has skyrocketed. Today I unplugged the toaster before I left...just to be sure. I've even gotten as far as driving down the street and turning back to, again, make sure shit is unplugged.

A few months ago the apt below mine almost burned down. So any anxiety I had about fires is now full-blown obsession. Any rational thought like, "Lydia, toasters don't just burst into flames" is overruled by the thought of my cats hiding under my bed and burning.

My God, I am nuts.