Tuesday, May 25, 2010

To power-point or not to power-point

In 7 days, I will be giving an hour-and-a-half lecture to a class of 60 students, and I'm turning to the glorious internet for ideas. Dear friends, if you had a captive audience who not only had to listen, but take notes, and were being graded on how deeply they thought about your words, what would you say? What is your field of expertise? What is something you've been dying to convince the general population of, and how would you drive your points home? (And, most importantly, what should I wear?)


lydia said...

On wardrobe: I'm thinking Tina Fey glasses. So they take me seriously.

Shannie-Annie said...

For sure the glasses.
Are you bunning your hair, just for further effect? Maybe side a pencil behind your ear?

To answer the Power Point point...always Power Point. Our world is saturated with ADD, so any chance you have to connect picture with words with audio and maybe a little interpretive dance on the side is a chance you should always take.
Or just show a movie.
And stand there pointing out things with a laser.
And take off your glasses and hold them thoughtfully to your mouth often.
If all else fails, show a little leg...

lydia said...

I'd like to change my answer to yesterday's question to: "If all else fails, show some leg."

Tessa said...

I've only lectured in lit classes so I'm probably no help here. But I do know that people can usually hold 3 things in their head at a time. So, I usually use 3 vocab words and build a lecture around those three words/concepts.

Power point is only helpful if is includes only supplemental imagery. I hate when people use written slides and read them to the class. snooze!

good luck! I'm sure there have gotta be some folks hot fo' teacha in the class ;)