Monday, May 10, 2010

Party time USA!

I am the queen of ridiculous costume parties. I crowned myself the queen because, well lets face it...Ive done it all, theme-wise.... OR have I?

Please share your idea of the best costume party EVER. Tell us about that dream party..the one that you fantasize about regularly. I want to hear about costume choices, decorations, theme food ideas, the cocktails, and any hired help or entertainment you would bring in..the works! Dream up that big fantasy party in the sky and pretend there is no limits on spending or facility options.


Shannie-Annie said...


lydia said...

Some say it's early but I've been ready for a 90s party since 1991. I've been stock-piling costumes for years and just waiting for someone, anyone, to give me an excuse to bust them out.

Anyone need a fly-girl? I've got the spandex dress and elbow/knee pads to make it happen.

Shannie-Annie said...

I said No because I'm jealous and out of my league and I know it.

Ok, I've always wanted to go to one of those costume parties where everyone wears masks and no one knows who is who. Fun.

Lyd, I'm so coming to your 90's party.

Renny said...

Lydia, all I have to say is when I come to your party, my dress will be by "All That Jazz." And I will have hella lipliner on (several shades darker than my lipstick of course).

Renny said...

I would like a party that incorporates extremely formal attire and really mindless antics. I'm talking the type of dress and jewels the queen wears to state dinners. I would like all the guests to get obliterated, lots of nasty dancing, maybe some cheesy lasers, bean bag chairs for lounging, a fog machine, and a photo booth to capture such fancy people acting like total hooligans.

At the end of the night, I want a food fight with lots of pie. (I can't believe I've never been in one, now that I think about it.) I want everyone to be so covered in food that our beautiful clothes are ruined, much like the party crashing scene in GJWHF.