Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Reminiscent of me forgetting that it is my Wednesly- day duty to enlighten the lovelies who read my ponderables:

What has been the worst thing you have forgotten, blanked out on or said to someone that is deserving of the above punishment?


Erin said...

I'm waiting for ya'll to respond so I can weigh out just how much to disclose ;)

Shannie-Annie said...

Me too!!!

lydia said...

Well, my mothers' day cards are still sitting on the counter. But I'm sure I've forgotten worse.

I'll tell you one thing I'll NEVER forget: turning off the curling iron. This shit puts my OCD in full effect. I check it at least 4 times before leaving the house everyday. Today I even drove down the street, turned around, drove back, and checked it again.

Melissa said...

Shhh. I cant EVER remember how old my husband is or when his birthday is. It boils his blood too! But in my defense, I honestly couldn't tell you if I am 31 or 32 and I am way to apathetic to do the math.

I will tell you what I CAN remember... all my glorious excuses. Here is one dedicated to the topic with an emphasis on Mothers and Fathers Day:

Having a (Cue tiny violin) Jehovah's Witness Dad (no holidays) and an almost-non-existent natural family (get your tissue)has made it hard for me to become accustomed to remembering birthdays and all other significant events in which I am supposed to be extra thoughtful.

It's just that my relative circle is so minute (cry into your pillow a little) I am like a stray cat with no social tailoring.

Haha, that one is a fave. BUT, truth be told, I do a tiny fist pump at the relief I feel for not having to remember to "buy carnations" or "pick out a neck tie". As far as the family I have "made" for my self...well, they all know I do my god dang best though. If I have forgotten anyones birthday recently...remember, I am just an orphan.

Shannie-Annie said...

Awww Melissa.
You're so screwed now.
You're new family is top-shelf when it comes to remembering bday and ages and holidays and periods and such. Yep, I never forget any of those most important dates...what?? You heard that Mom and I freaked out the other day cuz we thought your birthday was in April and we missed it??? That we were practically throwing up over the phone cuz we felt like the world's worst new family members?? And we thought you'd hate us forever and maybe were crying in the corner somehwere cuz we might've accidentally miscalculated when your date of birth was and then we ended up blaming Michael somehow (as all women fully understand that it's obviously somehow the man's fault) and then, lo and behold, we realized (after much searching) that we still have a few months to find the perfect footed jammies for your day, we felt much better.
Happy April Birthday.