Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hard Times

The economy is in the crapper, unemployment is through the roof, and recycling is on the rise. (Don't believe me? Go see how many of those Diet Dr. Pepper cans you threw out last week are still in your dumpster.) But for those of us old enough to remember, the 80's sucked, too, and "layaway" wasn't just a fancy term for vacation. Even in the fat years, we've all had to dig around in other people's couches for loose change. (No? A thief and a liar!)

Whether your strategy is to pawn, panhandle, or pilfer, tell us: what are your "desperate measures" when it comes to scrapping up some dough? What day-to-day heists keep you afloat? What is the worst thing you've ever done for money?


Paco Ramirez said...

Gambling. Definitely gambling. Funny thing about gambling, though... it sort of begets itself. So I either solve financial problems with it or exacerbate them.

I've also been known to craigslist myself for services I'm not necessarily qualified to do. You need some freelance editing? Done! Have "massage" "table," will travel. Personal trainer... on the cheap. I guarantee 15 lbs in two weeks or your money... I'll apologize profusely.

I learned VERY quickly that if "favors" and "services" for money are left unspecified, you get almost exclusively untoward requests.

As well we all know: sometimes money IS money.

Melissa said...

I once sold my favorite dress at Crossroads and as soon as I got paid bought it back. Sad times. Things are better now.

Josh B. said...

Money are I are like Amy Winehouse and drugs... Never low.

Tessa said...

Once Dan and I needed some smokes, but we had no cash. We did, however, have enough gas in the tank to drive from SF to some shopping center near Stanford, where there was a fountain that we fished coins out of, and immediately took to a Coinstar. I think we bought some Chesterfields.