Thursday, May 13, 2010

Don't Hate the Player...

What is your favorite game to play? (Board, sports, video, mind, etc.) If you lose, do you take it hard or just shrug it off?


Shannie-Annie said...

I am ridiculously competitive. I love games, all games, cept games I don't know how to play and that don't have super-easy ADD-friendly instructions. If I can't figure it out by looking at it and if I can't win, I aint playin'.
I'm a gamer mom, which means that when we get a new game, once the kids are in bed, I'll stay up another 4 hours getting to the next level. Which might be why I'm never caught up on the laundry?

Renny said...

There are so many games that I generally dislike playing: chess, tennis, Monopoly, Battleship, and there is absolutely no possible way I will ever play Risk. Basically, anything that requires athletic ability or strategy, I shy away from. I shouldn't say I hate to lose; it's more like I feel bad about myself when I'm done. I don't care that the other person beat me, but I am upset that me being such a moron or lame duck helped get them there. I know, I'm way too hard on myself, but I'm afraid that's a habit I will never break.

On the other hand, there is one game that I looove, and it's called Catch Phrase. It's that little beeping machine that you pass around the circle. I don't mean to toot my own horn, but I am awesome at it. And I choose my teammates wisely. I guess I'm good at being articulate under pressure. I also love Jenga, Scene It, and playing catch (which is the only athletic activity I'm good at).

So I propose a Catch Phrase tournament in the near future. Bring it.

Paco Ramirez said...

Unrelated: I love that picture because it looks like some lady is mortified that she walked in on Serena Williams and Sen. John Kerry in the moments before an intensely passionate make-out session.

I love the idea of playing sports, but was chubby and uncoordinated growing up; I don't have any of the skills that most kids get from tossing/chasing/kicking a ball around (and... you know, having friends). Instead, I've focused all of my competitive energy into games that involve gambling. Casino games are great, if you want to throw big dollars around, but if I only want enough for a six-pack, I'll throw down on some Connect Four.

If I'm a little short on rent, I'm not above inviting people over for a Yahtzee tournament.

Despite probably needing to be, I'm not ashamed of the fact that I once collected my six year old godson's ice cream sandwich because he said he could beat me at thumb wrestling.

Sure, it would have been a friendly match if not for the fact that I'd already finished my ice cream sandwich and his challenge was ill-timed (namely, his ice cream sandwich was unopened). I made him watch through tearful eyes as I loudly and sloppily ate my second ice cream sandwich of the afternoon while screaming "I'M A GROWN UP, BITCH!"

(I understand his therapy is going well.)

Renny, my drinking habit doesn't pay for itself... I'm down for some Catch Phrase.