Friday, April 30, 2010

Why yes, I am a bonvivant

Lake Flies. It's what's for breakfast (if you're not careful). While packed with protein and black goo, Lake Flies are not a particularly tasty fare. However, if you are a closet bulimic (and who isn't?!), you will appreciate the instant need to re-experience the last 3 things you scarfed down. Yummers.

What is the grodiest thing you ever (accidentally, purposefully, or accidentally-on-purpose) ate?

Thursday, April 29, 2010

quick note to moderators

Shannon, Erin & Renny. I sent you an email asking if you want to be a moderator. Obviously you are already doing this (RAD first questions Renny & Erin! I cant wait to answer later today!!!) but now it will say your name when you post a question (rather than my name...although I do love to take all the credit..) Lyd, I already have you listed as a moderator since like 1814 when we first started this piece....

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hello Gorgeous!

What are your grooming rituals that make you feel pretty? Maybe it's something you do only once in a while, or maybe you have to do it every day to feel yourself. Do you feel more attractive throughout the day of said treatment, or do you forget about it quickly? Do you really think other people notice, or is it just for you? (Men, it's ok to answer - we girls know you like to feel pretty too.)

Edison Schmedison

What top 3 inventions would you murder a duck in a Jack in the Box parking lot for? (if you don't know the duck story yet please inquire within). Seriously though folks.... What 3 inventions could you make up that would better your life the most?

Testing the add a pic feature

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

nice ride.

What TV or Movie automobile do you want to have as your own to drive to work and what not.
Add image or link if possible.

Monday, April 26, 2010

The name game.

Tell us all and everything about your first name.
****What does your name mean?*****
Bonus: Who gave it to you?
Double Bonus: Do you like your name?
Triple Bonus: If you had to change it, what would your new name be?
Home Run Bonus: Are there any interesting images, famous people or additional info associated with your name,- i.e. a picture of the person you were named after?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

let us reminisce.

"Sehnsucht is a German noun translated as "longing", "yearning" and "craving", or in a wider sense a type of "intensely missing". However, Sehnsucht is almost impossible to translate adequately and describes a deep emotional state." -Wikipedia Yo.

I brought this damn blog back from the dead AGAIN...because I was really missing it...AGAIN.

From time to time I smile wistfully as the sun shines on my face, the wind blows in my hair....and I think..."What ever happened to that ol' scamp of a blog?"

That being said, what thing(s) do you miss?