Thursday, April 16, 2009

who is in charge of you.

Love, commitment, financial need and loyalty make other people or organizations "in charge of" some aspects of our life. Rattle of the closest people or biggest responsibilities in your life and how they keep you in line, on your toes, or just plain busy.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The best.

Where were you and who were you with when you had the best:

Moment of realization:
Career accomplishment:
Time you got lucky (not like that!):

Saturday, April 11, 2009

How are you liike your parents?

Now that you are old, you can see more clearly why your parents were the way they were when you were a kid and you have known them long enough to get them somewhat figured out. How are you similar/dissimilar to your mom and dad?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Hollywood Swingers

Ok, this one is a bit cliche but I kinda love it anyways.

1. If there was a movie made about your life, who would play the main characters?

2. Or, if you were to star in a reality show, what would it be called? Please describe the format, whether or not a prize would be awarded, and what station would most likely air it.

Who is up?

Im gonna give it a few more hours before dominating this days question asking glory, some of you are probably just rolling out of bed. Its a race! who will claim todays question spot, If I see nothing by 3:00 my time, times up....pressures on. Type fast! Just kidding, we can have a multi question day!

P.s. Positive reinforcement: GOood job bragging, you guys are like the blue angels of bragging, stealthy, loud, talented...what. makes no sense. bye.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Hey Americans, Monday is bragday!

Name 5 things you have done that you are proud of.
(Go large because tomorrows topic may be regrets, sarrows and shame....)