Friday, September 12, 2008

It ain't over till the fat lady sings!

Shrink Shrink Blinkety-Blink
Tryin to make me think
Gonna make me vomit
Clean it up with Comet
Earth is my plah-net....

Thats right sukkas, I want you best song lyric! What lyric really just hits that sweet spot in your soul, and makes you want to jump for musical joy!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Franjelic Thursday

Like a deer in the headlights.... tell me the stupidest thing you have said under pressure? You tried to give a good answer, but instead completely blew it. Maybe it was a cute guy/girl? the doctor? your parents? the cops?

Set the stage.. if I am not embarrassed with you, then you have failed!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I'm here to fuckin' amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How am I funny?

In the spirit of Goodfellas lets post our favorite jokes.. Last Sunday I left the Crows Nest feeling short changed after 2 comedians made me want to kill myself...

Reach back and let er rip, whatever your style is!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Snickers need not reply

Mike and I pick up our new kitties tomorrow and need to come up with names suitable for our regal young ladies. (One's supposed to be male but Mike isn't buying it. Dogs are boys and cats are girls.) So I'm commissioning all you in blogville for suggestions. What are the best pet names you've ever heard and what is the criteria for a successful name? (Success defined however you see fit.) 

Thursday, September 4, 2008


I got a little fucked over by my moving company and have been spooning Lydia on my hardwood floor for the last 4 nites. They say they will deliver my bed and 40,000 pairs of shoes today, but when they do I want to have choice words prepared for them. Not to hurt them as much as to soothe me and quench my anger. Please tell me your top 3 most satisfyying cuss words or terms of hatred. I will add them to the song of fury that I will sing to these &**#$%@#%^*&^** holes!!!! I will think of you as i dine on their souls and demolish their self esteem.

Trivia Day!

Thursdays are Trivia days!!!! At lease this one is... I will post 5 questions, and tomorrow AM I will put a comment up with the answers... Whoever wins.. gets free lunch!

1. What is Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin's favorite thing to hunt?
2. Approximately how many Statue of Libertys are there in one Empire State Building?
3. According to Big Black on Rob & Big ... how many wrongs makes a right?
4. To the nearest 25 how many words are in DMX's song "Party Up" .. you know the one And I quote.... "Y'all gon' make me lose my mind up in HERE, up in here"
5. How big is the city of San Francisco in square inches?

Good luck fucks!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

When was the last time you??????

Let's keep this myspace bulliten style...

Smoked Marijuana?
Were involved in a hit and run?
Smacked your best friend?
Fell on your bike?
Jumped a fence?
Slept in a gutter?
Sang the national anthem?

Just getting to know you guys, you know, so I can blackmail you later...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Blank is my kind of town

***** **** is my kinda town... What is your kind of town? Answer this as if you were suggesting places for me to live. Since Melissa is gone we all need to spread our wings and find new places to setup camp.. I want your suggestions.. Don't be shy, no destination is too far. Please include the food of choice, the religion of practice, and the political stance.