Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Last Time on Blogger Blogger....

Hey everyone, We are back on the air. Lydia & Mikes wedding seemed to seize everyones hearts and minds and then I was drunk for a couple weeks, but We are back in action and ready to blog you all back down to a stump. Those of you who were interested in Participating in hosting the blog please raise your hand again and I will help you get your shit set up. SO here we go....


Please describe the last time you pee'd your pants? If you were born potty trained, alternate question is: Can you write anything with your pee stream?

*The questions will eventually get back to being intellectual like they used to be...NaawT!


lydia said...

I can safely say I haven't peed my pants in 20 years. (although I don't want to because saying you haven't done anything in 20 years makes you sound really old.)

But I used let it rip every other day. The last time it happened my dad threatened to hang my panties on the tree in our front yard "so all the people who drive by will know where pee-the-pants lives."

Therapy is expensive.

Josh B. said...

I pee my pants every day because I always pull my pants up before I am done.. yeah I still drop my pants to my ankles bitches.

Oh and BTW Lydia this is the 10th time you have made a pee reference in the last 4 days.... 10th!

lydia said...

Yes, Josh, but this was the first time in the last four days that it was provoked.

Melissa said...

I havent peed my pants since I was seven. I remember it like I it was 23 years ago. I was in the middle of a deep sleep and even though I am not sure exactly what I was dreaming about, I am going to assume it was my usual: Pink haired ponies singing happy birthday to me. But suddenly my dream took a dark turn towards the mundane. Uhh, I have to pee. Fine. Wake up tiny Melissa, go to the potty. I remember getting out of bed, tripping on my arnold schwartzeneggar action doll, wrestling my Pj's down sitting on the toliet, ahh pee pee pee. AND WHAM I am awake in a warm bed of
2nd grader pee. WTF? How can that be? it seemed so real! Mom was not proud. She said things like: "you are too old for that", "You get to wash your own Jammies out" and "are you Autistic".....
Moral of the story: Dreams do come true.

Anonymous said...

hmmm...ladies love it. i need to lay off the "danny special" which consists of 1 equal part: grey goose, bombay saphire, patron, and pineapple juice (in order from bottom to top) all over ice in a pint kidneys hurt and they stopped surving drinks in chicago. i'm not tired but everyone else is passed out, so i'm going back on my myspace now.

so for the pee-pee talk...the last time i peed my pants was probably recently, but consisted only of a small, maybe quarter to silver-dollar sized, wet spot on the front of my jeans do to me trying to push the limits of "holding it" and not making it to the restroom in a timely fashion. this is particularly problematic if you're trying to act all dignified, while drinking, with an attractive member of the opposite sex. with a little practice, however, one can probably wear it well enough that nobody will notice until it's dried. i also find that it helps to rock the hand blower and/or press paper towels onto it to remove excess moisture while in the restroom. but really this probably only worsens the situation whereby said companion will think you spend too much time in the restroom going number 2, instead of running the risk that he/she will think you have an overactive bladder. but whatevs, live and learn i guess