Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Kill a Commie for your Mommy

If you could have a "Lifetime Supply" of one Product, what would it be?
**Bonus Question: what is the sexiest food?


Anonymous said...

Hmmm...I would opt for a lifetime supply of king crab legs. Not only are they delicious, but I would also use them to afford me a shack near the beach in some remote locale. Why "near the beach,” rather than “on the beach” you may ask? Because I would have a "crab legs" stand on the beach and just in case I had a disgruntled customer, I'd prefer to not have my house burnt down. Don’t worry though, it would just be a short trek through the jungle and I’d still have an ocean view by building my hut on a little hill or high in a tree (maybe not in a tree since I’d get drunk, fall down, and break my neck). Also, how sweet would it be to be minding your own business cruising down the road, and see some dude haggling for beer with a bucket of crab legs? You may contend that I am only limited to one “lifetime” of crab legs, to which I would refute, “I eat a lot so I can have as much as I want!"

Sexiest food: Did anyone claim the pizza mel was holding at the going away party?!? Man I’m still drooling over that thing…

Josh B. said...

I would say fruit gushers... they are like the A&W Root Beer GUM of the 21st century (don't quote me on that). But anyways, Gushers come in all kinds of great flavors that taste exactly the same (just add a little more or less citric acid). If you eat too many gushers you can make poo art. One time I made green poo art, it did have red spots in it though.. kinda like a stereotypical watermelon with seeds... Fruit Gushers ALL THE WAY.

Sexiest Food: Pastrami Sandwich. Pictured here.


lydia said...

I would like a lifetime supply of pantyhose because everytime I even pick up a pair, they turn into spiderwebs. But, considering I'm rarely classy enough to need pantyhose, I would put my one lifetime-supply wish to more practical use:

Dr. Phil episodes.

As long as I keep ticking, he'll keep filming. No bullshit "I'm old and need to retire." No "they cancelled my show because no one but Lydia watched." Tough titty, PHIL!!! People need help and how can I tell them what to do if you don't tell me daily, in adorably Texas vernacular, how to go Molly-get-the-mop on their problems and mine?!

Melissa said...

I would like a life time supply of Airline tickets so I could look down girls shirts from heaven...JK, I really would want them so I could come back and visit my friends in S to the mother fucking a-n-t-a Cruz.<-I am Awful at making "raps".

Boner Question reply:
I speak on My good buddy Michaels behalf when I say Sexiest food is definitely Pork Chops...