Friday, August 29, 2008

Even the hair of the dog wouldn't help...

Tell us about the worst hangover you had. In true White person fashion I wanna know how much you drank, who you drank with (with their phone numbers for validation), and all the lovely details! If you don't drink, then tell me about the worst diarrhea you have ever had. Include what food you ate.. if you say Vallarta.. join the club.

If you didn't end up naked in front of a police station like this guy... then you haven't lived my friend!

T-3 Days till we lose Melissa.


slowpoke said...

camped in la jolla and walked over the border to TJ. drank dozens of long island iced teas and ATE the ice! walked back over the border and customs broke all the sweet pipes i bought, right in front of my face. i could barely stand anyway. i spent the next day and a half puking into the campfire and curled up in the camp showers drinking red wine to cure it. doctors orders!

Anonymous said...

josh, why did you ask me to answer this question? you already know the answer. did you just want to embarass me? make me relive the pain and the shame? Ok... well one time at band camp, i got super hammered while raging with antidote cause i'm a badass like that. blacked out at some point in the night. the last thing i remember is getting a piggy back ride past kinkos. woke up the next morning on some random futon, my jeans ripped in the crotch, and a black eye.

Josh B. said...

My cousins bachelor party.. I showed up as a young 22 year old telling everyone about how much of an accomplished drinker I had become. Next thing I know I am half naked on my cousins neighbors lawn, laying in my own bed of puke. My car doors are open windows rolled down. I rememeber the strippers telling me how cute I was as I was dragged in the house by two of his friends.. They proceeded to lay me in bed and throw strawberry yogurt at me until about 2am... I woke up in the morning next to my cousin with crusted ass yogurt and vomit on my nose and face... I know he has the pictures, I will try to dig them up. Every time I stood up I puked, every time I drank water I puked, I was not a happy camper on the drive back to Santa Cruz.

Melissa said...

Hangovers are for pussies. When ever I am Hungover, I just eat a jar full of cold shrimp and drink a glass of milk and I am good to go. You guys need to be is rad. you get instantly smarter.