Thursday, August 21, 2008

Belly Buster

Last night I got into a fight with a guy at the bar over  whether or not the dollar store sells Flamin' Hot Cheetos (They definitely do) and it got me thinking about terrible-yet-delicious food choices. Most of us have mixed together some crazy shit when we're too lazy to go grocery shopping so, for the benefit of all reading, please share your favorite recipes that:

1. sound gross but are actually pretty good
2. are examples of the type of culinary masterpieces that result when you're driven by hunger
3. something you invented that should definitely be marketed to the masses. 


lydia said...

1. For the Chicago party, Mike brought Bundy mojitos to go along with his costume and they were actually really good.

Ingredients: Beer (preferably Miller High Life) and Tang

2. I know a guy who claims to have invented double decker tacos years before Taco Bell put it on their menu.

Ingredients: Hard-shell taco, refried beans, and a tortilla. Smear beans on one side of the tortilla and stick it to the outer surface of the taco.

3. My friend Jenn and I used to mix cottage cheese and italian dressing to make "dip" for potato chips. I still do it when no one's looking.

4. I once saw my little brother eat kidney beans, tuna, and cream of broccoli soup all mixed up in a bowl when we had no other food in the house. Puke.

Melissa said...

I like talking about my eating disorder, so thank you lyd for giving me the opportunity. I like garlic bagels with strawberry jam and blueberry bagels with onion cream cheese. I also have a problem with alcohol.

Melissa said...
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Josh B. said...

1. Hot pocket with sweet and sour sauce
2. 3 Day old chicken that Melissa should have frozen 3 days ago
3. Cum Shots - Dip a twinky in alka-selzer.

Anonymous said...

really, really?!? i wish i could cook...have you considered the possibility that you two drunks were envisioning different "dollar stores"? i swear there's at least a couple companies that run them ;) but i think i broke some little bone in my foot last night during some drunk shenanigans that will remain nameless. no disrespect but i don't even have time to read the comments at the moment. latra!

Anonymous said...

Just to be an asshole my first contribution to this thing will be a correction.
What Mike brought to the Chicago party were 'Bundy Mimosas".

They were surprisingly good. We got all hopped up talking about how we could fancy them up by blending them and such.