Friday, July 4, 2008

SEx with me

would you have sex with yourself if you were him/her?
would you lose interest in you if you put out to you right away or would this be a necessary requisite for you to get a second date with you ? What would you say attracted you to you first?
confused? well go fuck yourself....


Melissa said...

Yes I would sleep with me, but I would be a little weary of the tattooos and the drinky problem. I wouldnt sleep with me without a full shakedown...I want the truth. and I would hope I wouldnt put out on the first date but you know me...
i was first attracted to my humble, un-selfcentered personality.

Josh B. said...

I totally would, but I know Olga would mind. I don't want cheat on her, especially with myself... P.S. I'm my own grandpa.

Anonymous said...

No. I'm not very attractive to myself.

Mary Virginia said...

I would totally put out to myself, just because I want to know what I really sound like, and if my sex faces are sexy or if I just look constipated