Saturday, November 15, 2008

mushy time junction

what do you love. please make a list.


Josh B. said...

1. Pregnancy
2. Obama
3. Swedish Fish


lydia said...

Has anyone tried Trader Joe's new "Gummy Tummies"?

They are phenomenal. And cute as hell. Little penguin-shaped gummies with tummies that hold a delicious goo in three flavors. Yes, please!!!

Anonymous said...

oh snap girl! i loves me some vaginas now, oooo weee!

Sarah the Hairy said...

Willie Nelson
old time movies(circa 1930)
The Boardwalk
Shiny things
My boyfriend (the tv. It's a very unhealthy affair... but that machine makes me happy)
Bingo is starting to become a big hobby
Oh and Naturally the Flea market where I collect so many treasures
Good thing I'm already married... because if I had to list all these things on a singles site ... I would be fucked!

lydia said...

Sarah, where do you play Bingo and why haven't you brought me yet?! My grandma was a bingo champion and I may have picked up a thing or two.