Friday, August 29, 2008

Even the hair of the dog wouldn't help...

Tell us about the worst hangover you had. In true White person fashion I wanna know how much you drank, who you drank with (with their phone numbers for validation), and all the lovely details! If you don't drink, then tell me about the worst diarrhea you have ever had. Include what food you ate.. if you say Vallarta.. join the club.

If you didn't end up naked in front of a police station like this guy... then you haven't lived my friend!

T-3 Days till we lose Melissa.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Kill a Commie for your Mommy

If you could have a "Lifetime Supply" of one Product, what would it be?
**Bonus Question: what is the sexiest food?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Reality Bites

Which character/person from a television would you most like to:
1. date
2. befriend
3. rent an apartment from
4. punch in the face

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Drunky Drunk Drunkenstein

name 3 things you do everytime you are drunk.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Womens Baseball

Just like the USA Softball team I am going to sweep you off you feet with my obscene sense of humor. I welcome myself to the blogging community with a large pat on the back.... I hope you all enjoy my cunning linguisitics (he he) and my no frills "I'll have sex with you at any point" attitude.

Ok so for my first post......

Which one of your friends would you have sex with if you knew no one would find out? Alternate question: What is your pet's name? and tell us a funny story about your parents.


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Belly Buster

Last night I got into a fight with a guy at the bar over  whether or not the dollar store sells Flamin' Hot Cheetos (They definitely do) and it got me thinking about terrible-yet-delicious food choices. Most of us have mixed together some crazy shit when we're too lazy to go grocery shopping so, for the benefit of all reading, please share your favorite recipes that:

1. sound gross but are actually pretty good
2. are examples of the type of culinary masterpieces that result when you're driven by hunger
3. something you invented that should definitely be marketed to the masses. 

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Last Time on Blogger Blogger....

Hey everyone, We are back on the air. Lydia & Mikes wedding seemed to seize everyones hearts and minds and then I was drunk for a couple weeks, but We are back in action and ready to blog you all back down to a stump. Those of you who were interested in Participating in hosting the blog please raise your hand again and I will help you get your shit set up. SO here we go....


Please describe the last time you pee'd your pants? If you were born potty trained, alternate question is: Can you write anything with your pee stream?

*The questions will eventually get back to being intellectual like they used to be...NaawT!