Friday, July 11, 2008

Hurts so Good

What was the worst injury you've ever suffered?


Melissa said...

i broke my arm when i was a mere pipsqueak. Also I fell down drunk without using my hands. But the all time worst was when I hopped off a bannister (at the beach) and my ass landed square on the rim of a medal trash can. I had a giant skinny "c" shaped bruise all around my ass and thighs. not rad. it was lined with a plastic bag so after impact the plastic sorta tore off bits of my skin.
i was 14 too, that awkward dismount took away my chance of ever being cool.

Nightrain said...

Grade 3 Quadriceps Contusion... the worst injury EVER!

The day it happened, I was in such pain I had severe flu-like symptoms. Vomiting, pale-face, dizziness, in an out of consciousness. My leg was so swollen I couldn't put pants on. I couldn't walk or bend my leg. Over the next few days the rectus femoris "died" and blood gushed to the surface of my leg leaving a dark purple and brown spider-webby design from my knee to my hip-flexor. I was on crutches for nearly two months and missed all of the college soccer recruitment camps that summer. When I finally was able to do physical therapy the therapist had to put all his weight against my leg (while I was biting down on a wooden stick) just to get my leg to bend a few inches due to all the scar tissue that had built up.

Considering I have torn my medial collateral ligament, torn my tensor fasciae latae, fractured my clavicle, had 3rd degree burns on both hands, and had a insane number of strains and sprains, I think I'm in a pretty good position to say that this injury is pretty darn shitty.