Thursday, July 10, 2008

five finger discount and SEX

Describe the first time you stole something from a store, a friend, your grandma, whatever...

*******Bonus sexy question: ( I will try to ad these to my posts as I think it will get you people be more motivated). If you could make whoopie (no relationship, just one nite) with one person from movies/music/TV, who would it be. *********


Nightrain said...

Well, I'm pretty sure the statute of limitations has run on this so... I snatched some candy from a local Santa Cruz market when I was probably 6 or so. It was right near the checkout counter and it was a complete spur of the moment thing. I was short so the counter hid me and I grabbed everything I'd ever wanted from a candy rack.

Afterwards, I remember feeling bad all day, like sick to my stomach bad, and when I finally ate the stuff I didn't enjoy it. I wanted to put it all back. I don't think I was worried about being caught, it was more of a "I'm so stupid" feeling. Anyway, that was my "first time."

Bonus Answer: Monica Bellucci... exactly the same way Clive Owen did in "Shoot Em Up"... guns a blazin'

Anonymous said...

I think everyone stole candy their first time, so I'll talk about my second time.

I was in 3rd grade when I stole about 6 of my grandma's virgina slims...ahhh.

My best friend Brittany and I snuck down to the lower-40 of my backyard to suck on those badass stogies. She coughed, I didn't. Yeah, I'm a badass. And when we finished we ate pickles and hot salsa to cover the smell of our breath. Unfortuneatly I haven't stopped smoking since...

Hide the virginia slims from your kids! Those things are attractive and addictive!

Steve McQueen for sure. Circa 1964 "Love with a Proper Stranger" era.

Josh B. said...

I stole my friends girlfriend once. That was amazing on multiple levels.

They ended up getting married.. jerks...

Melissa said...

Sarah and I ripped off longs when we were 10. We got caught and they took polaroids of us as we cried. I like to say in my defense I was tying to steel figurines for my mom. I think Sarah was trying to steal wet and wild make up,,,you think she would at least go for the good shit. You thought we were dumb now, we were obviously brain damaged at a young age..