Friday, May 30, 2008

The internet club. 0100010100110111101

First thing is first:

Question # 1:

Your Club

I really like the Idea of clubs. Social clubs, boys clubs, secret clubs: You name it, I want in. I have a few assorted bastard clubs that I have started and have sort of failed at keeping up with, but love none the less. The first question in our "question club" is:

If you could start a club, ANY CLUB and were guaranteed to attract many members what would it be called? Describe your members, how to join, club activities and rules.


lydia said...
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lydia said...

I'm really interested in any club that comes with embroidered jackets. If you ask me, that could be the entire purpose. Members would include anyone with an embroidery-machine hookup as well as myself. Or if no one has the inside connection to one of those fancy things, we could host events to raise money for a pro job. Selling candy bars is out of the question for obvious reasons (I'm a good eater) but I am open to slanging any other good for the cause-drugs, fake passports, fashion tips, pony rides, lasagna...

Melissa said...

My club would be for fund raising. We would meet weekly to raise money to donate to poor kids with dental problems or rodents that were injured by landscaping equipment.JUST KIDDING! had you all fooled! I would start a beta-cord vintage porn swap club. membership would require participants to have a functioning beta-cord cassette player, a tv and some porn with lots-0-bush. I don't know what I would call it though? I cant make those kind of decisions with this little notice.

Anonymous said...

Lydia... you liar.. your club mission statement would look like this... "To whom we praise, our pants will raise"

I like clubs described by Mitch Hedberg. I order a club sandwich all the time. And I'm not even a member, I don't know how I get away with it. "I like my sandwiches with three pieces of bread." "So do I." "Lets form a club then." "Okay, but we're gonna need more stipulations." "Yes we do." "OK... Instead of cutting it once, lets cut it again." "Yeah, four triangles." "And we will position them in a circle. And in the middle we will dump chips. Or potato salad." "Let me ask you a question, how do you feel about frilly toothpicks?" "I'm for 'em!" "Well, this club is formed. Spread the news on menus nationwide."

lydia said...

Anonymous, you're drunk. But that's ok. There are plenty of clubs for that.

Melissa said...

Dont make me manage you Lyd: post a new question!!

Nightrain said...

Sunday Barbecue Club.

Every week the club would gather with a smörgåsbord of marinated, rubbed, cured, prepped and sauced meats. This would all begin in the early afternoon so that there would be ample time to discuss this weeks delicacies and indulgences whilst the Weber's smoked, sizzled, broiled, and charred away. Before everyone began chowing down while watching Sunday Night Baseball, the person responsible for each item would introduce it and show the proper method of chowing. Buon appetito!

Anonymous said...

I like this idea. It's funny, and way more appealing than surveys.
One question at a time please!!!

Anonymous said...

That's easy... it would be a mix of,, and that would be open ALL DAY LONG Fri-Sat. Oh, and it wouldn't have a name. If people were in the mood for it, that'd just be the first thing that would pop in their heads, haha =)