Thursday, July 24, 2008


Lydia and Mike are in Paris and London for their honeymoon right now. What do you think they will or *want* them to bring back for you.
--Dont say Giant Pencil, i already called it.--

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Describe your first kiss. Who was it with, where did it happen, and what made it memorable? Extra credit if you can tell us what that person is up to these days. And, yes, this may out you as a Myspace stalker. Own it, people. Own it.

Monday, July 14, 2008


Real quick! THANK YOU Tessa and Mary Virginia for volunteering to help us make this blog rad.
below is the way its gonna go. If ANYONE (Josh, Gelwicks, anyone..) wants to contribute once a week. there is one day still open!!!

Monday: Melissa
Tuesday: Lydia
Wednesday: Mary Virginia
Thursday: Melisa or Lyd or open for other contributor

Now go respond to some posts.

Are you seeing someone else?

Not that I don't trust you, but I know you look at other websites...everybody does, Its mostmodern human nature. Just tell me who it is?

Share with us all: What are 3 or 4 other funny, informative or weird websites that you visit. good shopping and good porn suggestions are also welcome.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Hurts so Good

What was the worst injury you've ever suffered?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

five finger discount and SEX

Describe the first time you stole something from a store, a friend, your grandma, whatever...

*******Bonus sexy question: ( I will try to ad these to my posts as I think it will get you people be more motivated). If you could make whoopie (no relationship, just one nite) with one person from movies/music/TV, who would it be. *********

Thank you Mary Virginia!

MV: send me an email (so i can give you the secret pass codes and what not) and we will decide on which days we will have you post. My goal is that there is a question up every week day, creating an urge in people to be a little less dedicated to there job or children. IF THERE IS ANYONE ELSE who would be willing to do this once a week I would be so happy. Lydia is busy with weddings and gluing dingle balls to boxes and im always drunk so its hard to do this every day...step up boys and girls, ...Mary Virginia did it...c'mon.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Lets gossip about Lydia

Just Kidding, we are really going to gossip about Craigslist. What is the Craziest Shit you have ever seen, bought,heard about or posted on Craigslist. I got some good ones, but you go first....
P.s: We need help! please support Breaker Blog by volunteering 15 minutes out of 1 of your weekdays to post a blog question. Lydia and I need support and you guys are our "so called friends"....dont make me manage you, step up.

Friday, July 4, 2008

SEx with me

would you have sex with yourself if you were him/her?
would you lose interest in you if you put out to you right away or would this be a necessary requisite for you to get a second date with you ? What would you say attracted you to you first?
confused? well go fuck yourself....